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Category: Tech
Thursday, January 16th, 2003 @ 04:28 pm
Posted By Brent
Well, you may be wondering why in the hell you couldn't access my site for a couple of days there, and then again, maybe you could have enjoyed the time away to do those things you know you've always wanted to do. Go skydiving, brush up on the macramae, wittle your penis into a bloody, flacid bust of W.C. Fields, using only a potato peeler. And then there's the possibility that you could have given two shits.

Well, if you must know, take a look at this post, and see if you can glean the reason by paying close attention to the date it was placed online (you may also notice there's an abudance of comments attributed to the wrong news posts, but that's another story). Can't figure it out? give up? Well then leave, I never much liked quitters anyways -- you can just go hang out with all your quitter friends at AA, pussy.

Above and beyond all of that, I got paid the other day, gathered together about two to three christmasses worth of Best Buy gift certificates, and am seriously thinking about taking a trip up there tonight and wrangling myself a digital camera (at last). I mean, all the cool kids are doing it, right? After the completion of this quest, I will from then on own a conduit through which I may share, with you humble reader, the joys, pains, triumphs, and sexual escapades of my notoriously torrid life. Or maybe I'll just take pictures of little birdies. Not sure yet.



Category: Tech
Saturday, October 26th, 2002 @ 04:51 pm
Posted By Brent
This is a test of the Pubic Broadcast System. If this were a real update it would be followed with pictures of my genitals.


Category: Tech
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2002 @ 08:15 pm


     It's roughly 24 hours later and there are already two hecklers. Here's your real rain/explanation.

     I know you both like Gorillaz. How is it that I knew about it a good six months before any of you?

     And I know that you both like the la-la-la-la squirrel cartoon. Though I may have learned of it via misterpants, it's now being recirculated via k10k.

     While toke and m may not be the designers behind every movement on earth, their site serves as a sort of bulletin board of good ideas for the entire international design community. The people that design album covers, billboards, magazines, cars, computers, clothes, and just about everything else you see and/or put your hands on see what happens there or have their stuff featured there or fall within probably two degrees of their influence. If you want to see what the world is looking like six months or even a year from now (barring weird plane/building collisions), the design community is where you look. And since it can get a little overwhelming, k10k is perhaps the finest way to see what they're working on.

     So excuse me for providing a link to something I'm interested in and figured everyone else might be (just a little) since you've all dug what I've shared from that side of the internet and that very key hub is back up after like a six-month hiatus.

     Good day.

Happy Birthday, Brandan Turner.


Category: Tech
Saturday, April 13th, 2002 @ 11:33 pm
Posted By Brent
This is here for no reason at all.
Well boys and grills, this is my first post ever from the exciting, dorky, yet none the less spectacular world of running Linux on your desktop. Not only posting from Linux, but also did all the (minor) image editing in The Gimp. Foo's run Linux on his desktop for some time now, then Jason jumped on the boat, but it took me finally getting another machine (beside my main one) that I could do with as I please, and still be capable of such a feat as running a GUI OS on it. I've had a plethora of Linux machines before, but never one that I actually used as I use Windows. They're usually sitting around somewhere, concealed from view, serving as routers, webservers or database servers. I have to say, the difference is jarring.

Not that it's a bad thing, just a thing. I suppose it was easier for me than it would be for your common joe, seeming as I've had experience (limited as it may be) with how the file system is set up and other such intricacies of the OS, but all in all it OK.

Well, I'm sure you didn't log on to my website to sit here and read me ramble on about inanities that you could give two shit fucks about, so I'll get to more interesting things.

I went to that "Club 360" last night, for the second time, and I have to say, and it must have been Soul Night or someshit cause I think we were the only crackers in the joint. I noticed a peculiarity about the black social scene though. You go to some trendy assed white club and nobodies there but late teen to early twenty hipsters, but last night that place was easily 50% middle aged people (dressing in current "Afro-Fasion" and dancing to modern rap and such).

But, it was the second time I'd been there, and the first time was pretty cool, but it was late by the time we got there and the party seemed to be winding down. All in all I'd go again if I could schedule it as to not coincide with some bounce fest. For those not "in the know", its a bar/club ontop of the World Trade Center here in New Orleans. Its circular in layout and, yes, it spins. Hence the Name, Club 360. What a bunch of fiery balls of fucking wit they are.

After that we went to the casino so I could get free drinks while watching in astonishment the dregs of society plunk entire paychecks and babyfood budgets into machines with blinkity lights and spinny eyes. Good Stuff. They don't like it too much when you say at the top of your voice "Look at all these winners!"

Well, I've rambled long enough, and I think I'm going out tonight so I must go powder my ass and put my ruffled tuxedo on. Peace be with you brother. And also with you.

Aint No Fun Till The Homies Get Some.


Category: Tech
Sunday, April 7th, 2002 @ 05:07 am
Posted By girlygirl
I'm going to pose the question..."What kind of inventions do you think we will see in the next 10 years?" or "What would you like to see, as far as advances in technology?".
I can think of a ton of things that would make my life easier.
I know that everyone, nowadays, is in such a hurry to get from point a to point b. So, who's working on the teleporter? And the flying car?

When I think of the robots I would like to see in the near future; something a lot less bulky than the Honda robot comes to mind. I want to see the ones that are actually going to be helpful in our everyday activities. And the ones that are going to help us out at work...because all anyone really wants is to work less and relax more. Where is the robot that is going to serve up a cool beverage when I get home from my "not so hard" day at work?

Well, at least they're getting the fighting out of the way now. So they can concentrate on loving the work that they're doing for mankind. Come on people, lets get a little more advanced than this.


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