I figure that if God actually does exist, He's big enough to understand an honest difference of opinion.

-Isaac Asimov
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NAME: Ophelia Hede
Friday, January 10th, 2025 @ 06:42 am
Hiya, potential pal! I'm excited to hear your unique perspective.
Your site takes me on a serene walk through Joshua Tree National Park, where each visual element feels like a carefully selected piece of nature. As a knowledgeable park ranger, you’ve curated a vibrant landscape of ideas that inspires exploration!
Your site is like classic peanut butter and jelly—timeless and satisfying! Let’s make a delicious duo on the web buy college diplom...
[continues in extended]

Category: Booze
Sunday, December 20th, 2009 @ 03:31 am
Posted By foo

The Great and Glorious Glitch has not Graced us with his Gift of Gab for over a year.

And whither us? I have been staring at a Freaking Taco for over a year. And this taco was not even the spawn of Glitch, but rather Xerxes -- the man who made me Not Fat.

Surely something has happened? Surely there is something to talk about? Surely in all of this madness there is something to quicken us?

Or are we group 3 who have seen hopelessly rotten teeth and are totally incapable of dental hygiene?

Sometimes I stare at the screen and cannot imagine what I could possibly have to say to the world that would matter at all.

And then I remember that there is Rum and Miller High Life and other things that make my thoughts more interesting -- at least to me. And Glitch, conveniently, has a category for booze. And here I am.

OK: Comic that I will never make:

Panel 1: Dude A) How is Suzy?
Dude B) I had to leave her. She was being BlackMaled.
Panel 2: Dude A) Why would you leave your wife because she was being blackmailed?
Panel 3: Picture of Suzy being banged Doggy-Style by a totally swoll black dude.

You see, I think this joke is just a play on words, but I think that it could be perceived as somehow racist.

OK so I have reached the point of total inebriation and blacked-outness so forgive me. I felt it was necessary to immediately begin typing at this point. Note that there was a 40 minute pause between paragraphs. (Pause for another beer)

In Taiwan there were pen stores. You would walk into a huge store, and there were no other products other than pens. Since you're a New Orleans type of kid, the fact that the place went 3 levels underground was pretty odd. Although, that there were enough pens in the world to fill up 3 floors was amazing in its own right.

The sheer scale of everything in Taiwan was amazing. All of the movie theatres were huge. The KTV was enormous. The pen stores were gigantic. Everything was larger than life and it was wonderful to be alive.

So what is the point of all of this?

The New Year is upon us and I have pictures from 7 years ago of the glitch13.com Krewe at the most fun New Years Eve of all. I suppose that the point is that every moment should be as awesome as that New Years Eve full of Fake Snow made of Beignet Sugar. All of life should be as great as those snapshots I took on the most fun New Year Eve of my life.

And if these days aren't as fun as those pictures...I think I'm probably doing something wrong.


Category: Personal
Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 @ 10:09 pm
Posted By xerxes7
Time for a post-partisan update.

What happened once...

has happened again!

That's right, we got some flat-bottomed taco shells and can attest to their upright-standing powers. We were so impressed that we even took their picture while they were sitting in the beautiful chair of honor and beauty.

How good were these tacos? So good that I'd venture to say that if Nancy were to stick to tacos instead of those big ol' burgers, she might not be inclined to kill herself.


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