I think a good gift for the President would be a chocolate revolver. And since he's so busy, you'd probably have to run up to him real quick and hand it to him.

-Jack Handey
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Category: Personal
Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 @ 10:09 pm
Posted By xerxes7
Time for a post-partisan update.

What happened once...

has happened again!

That's right, we got some flat-bottomed taco shells and can attest to their upright-standing powers. We were so impressed that we even took their picture while they were sitting in the beautiful chair of honor and beauty.

How good were these tacos? So good that I'd venture to say that if Nancy were to stick to tacos instead of those big ol' burgers, she might not be inclined to kill herself.


Category: Personal
Sunday, September 14th, 2008 @ 03:48 pm
Posted By Brent

Recent events:

  • Hurricane Gustav passed near by.
  • Lost power.
  • Worked all weekend, slept at my office so that I could have A/C.
  • Had next weekend of but developed an abscess in one of my impacted wisdom teeth, of which I have (had) all four of still in my mouth.
  • Went to the dentist for painkillers and got scheduled to get all four of the suckers yoinked the following Thursday, September 11th.
  • Returned to work the next day on painkillers.
  • Worked through that entire weekend due to Hurricane Ike rolling into Houston
  • Luckily power did stay on and I did not have to sleep at the office this time.


Category: Personal
Sunday, September 14th, 2008 @ 03:27 pm
Posted By Brent

Recent events:

  • Hurricane Gustav passed near by.
  • Lost power, worked all weekend, slept at my office so that I could have A/C.
  • I had the next weekend off, but developed an abscess in one of my impacted wisdom teeth, of which I have (had) all four still in my mouth.
  • Went to the dentist for painkillers and got scheduled to get all four of the suckers yoinked the following Thursday, September 11th.
  • Returned to work the next day, then worked through that entire weekend due to Hurricane Ike rolling into Houston.
  • Luckily did not have to sleep at the office this time.


Category: Personal
Friday, August 25th, 2006 @ 12:39 pm
Posted By xerxes7
I'm not going to make this a long post, but this site is for our friends to know what's happening and I don't really think I'm up for making lots of calls about this, so this will kind of be the announcement.

The wedding scheduled for October 21st is currently indefinitely postponed. It seems our time in Dallas has helped bring into clearer focus some issues that have existed in our relationship for some time. We are seeing a therapist for guidance on where things go from here.



Category: Personal
Friday, July 14th, 2006 @ 12:20 pm
Posted By Brent

I'm not really sure of what the catalyst was, but we have been making a shit ton of tacos as of late. Well, not "homemade" tacos per se, but ones of the "taco kit" variety. If I had to go out on a limb and give reasons I'd have to say

  • They are easy to make
  • They take relatively zero time to prepare
  • They are God's gifts to my tastebuds
  • As if life wasn't perfect enough, some genius came along and had to revolutionize tacos, thus altering the course of human kind forever: tacos that you can stand up. That's right. You can stand them up.

    I don't know about you, but for me this is mo-fucking-mentous. This means there was a man somewhere that, against all odds, knew that the taco was still not at its pinnacle yet - that there was work yet to be done in the field of taco-ology, and he had the chutzpa to see it through.

    Will his name ever be known? Will he receive any awards? Will the world ever recognize him for his actions? Will they ever, at the very least, make one of those "Real Men of Genius" radio commercials about him? Doubtful, so I will make this page a tribute to him.

    Dear Mr Stand n' Stuff Taco Creator, you are truly and inspiration to us all. You saw the trials and tribulations that Joe Six-Pack had to go through to stuff his taco. Holding it in one hand, possibly having hot grease run down your arm while filling it. Then, the trip from the counter to the table was fraught with the perils of tacos falling over, spilling their precious payloads. In addition, the taco shells of antiquity, with their prehistoric design, were not structurally sound enough to withstand the first bite, they would shatter in two, leaving the diner to have to scrounge the taco remainder with his fingers. Your shells have a perpendicular flat bottom that absorbs this shock and stays strong. Most of the time at least, which is better than none in my book.

    I could go on and on, but honestly I'm starting to get choked up a bit. I'll just have to end it here.


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