holy shit. glad i hit kotaku before leaving. this little fanboy is proud.
NAME: scott
Friday, September 16th, 2005 @ 08:49 am
today we roll to covington for a couple days with my parents. perhaps a night of revelry with our hammond peeps is in store?
NAME: girlygirl
Thursday, September 15th, 2005 @ 12:30 pm
And we still have those movies...going to send them back soon. It was very nice of Netflix to give me a credit (for August), even though they didn't have to. Too bad I didn't bring the portable dvd player, I couldn't get it unplugged from the tv.
Bye bye dvd player, we'll miss you; along with the rest of our stuff.
NAME: scott
Thursday, September 15th, 2005 @ 09:25 am
the pictures and story were awesome, feasty.
but what i really want to know is: when in the hell is our webmaster going to rent some new movies? he's had those same two for weeks!
NAME: Feasty
Saturday, September 10th, 2005 @ 02:13 pm
I forgot this one. This is a rat hiding up on my fence board.
NAME: Feasty
Saturday, September 10th, 2005 @ 02:00 pm
NAME: Akimatsu
Saturday, September 10th, 2005 @ 12:18 pm
Glad to hear you're ok Feasty. Was worried.
NAME: Feasty
Saturday, September 10th, 2005 @ 01:41 am
go make a drink...
It all started out with three of us. Myself, JoJo and his old lady. I'll refer to her as that because she was an idiot pillhead who wouldnt shutup.
Sunday night, we stocked up on liqor beer and cheeweez. the 3 man party went lateinto the night on a course for disaster.
We blared the Melvins, Led Zepplin, and Heart as we watched channel 15 on mute. Carl Aredondo had his sleeves rolled up and had some sweat on his brow. We knew we were fucked. We waited too late to evacuate, we were all twisted from the liqor and no one knew what a category 5 hurricane was. Fuck it. We're gonna ride it.
The whole time we were party'ing we had the video camera rolling. me and JoJo put on a show for all the fans we thought we had.
Shit went on, the hurricane got closer, the music got louder and I looked down at the TV and the bitch was heading right for us. Just as I noticed this, the pwoer went out.. Only for 5-10 minutes though. It came back on and we all cheered, haha we were so fucked.
About 4 or 5 am JoJo got nervous and told me that he should go to his house and pick up shit off the floor... I laughed at his weak attempt to make sense of his life. He left with his old lady and dissapeared for the rest of the night. I stopped drinking and was now alone.
I went to the front window and watched the sunrise and the wind pickup something fierce.
I layed down on the carpet, held my head up with my hands and watched... I had a bad bad feeling. I was passing out laying there so i decided to go to bed.
i woke up about two hours later hearing a loud blowing sound. I rushed back to the window to realize it was about to start. it was Monday approx 7 or 9 am. I was hungover bad.
My adrenaline started to hit me as I watched it go from bad to fucking real bad. The gusts were incredible. Shit was flying down the street, branches, shingles, unknown debris. and the port o potty that was across the street where the were building a new house.
At first I didnt really know how bad it was gonna get. I calmed myself and prepared as best I could.
Jours went on and the shit was in full swing and I heard soimething tear from my roof. It was the vent thing with slats that some houses have for attic ventalation. At this time I had no idea what it was, but there was water coming in thru the ceiling fan in my living room, dripping onto the rug below. I fetched a pot and put it under the fan to catch the watcher thinking it was just a leak. little did I know I had a HOLE in my roof exposing my attic to the elements. Pretty soon water spots started appearing allover the ceiling in my living room. definaltey fucked now...
The water outside started to rise fast, and I mean fast. It was up to the weather stripping on the bottom of all my exterior doors. Then i noticed some water slowly spilling in from under my baseboards throughout the house. There was no controlling it now. the water wanted to come in and have a look see.
The water rose to about 8 inches all throughout my house. I didnt freak, i didnt lose it, i was like fuck it there's water and I'll just have to clean up.
i forgot to mention the power went out while i was sleeping earlier. So i got the radio out and listened to Garland Robinette describe the chaos that was happening to the hi rise building he was broadcasting from. Shit started to get all wierd and bizzare feeling. the rest of the day i went thru the house picking shit up i wanted to keep and trying to put shit up high.
Night fell and the hurricane was pretty much fading away. I layed in bed with my dog and read PC gamer magazines by lamp light simultaneously listneing to Garland take calls from people stuck in thier attic with children and water up to thier waist.
Approx midnight I heard someone at my back gate. it was Jojo and his old lady. They had a air matress as a raft and bags of water nad food they packed. they were in the same situation as me.. water in thier house and nothing to do. They urged me to leave with them and go to EJ hospital. it was the only structure withing sight that had power. it lit up like a beacon.
I refused because I had my dog with me. I suggested we camp out in the new house across the street. we waded over to the house and discovered it was BONE DRY. We set up base camp.
We went to sleep on the concrete floor and prayed the water would be low enough at some point the next day so we coulf drive out. the whole time garland was crying and taking calls from people trapped in thier attics, or wandering around New Orleans cause thier house collapsed.
We awoke the next day to non stop low altitude choppers and the buzzing of insects.
We went outside to checkout the water level. Shit didnt move. we were stuck for the time being. Later in the afternoon jojo's old lady decided to walk down to his house and collect food, water and whatever else she saw and thought we could use.
About an hour later I heard people talking in the distance. I walked outinto the flood water to look and I saw jojo's old lady waliking next to a dude in a perog. he saw her trying to carry a bag of shit and offered to help her by putting the bag in his boat.
they both walked in and the first thing the drunk dude asked for was a hit of weed. evidentally this broad told all of Lime street I had weed.
I ablidged because he helped her carry the shit. he was half drunk and was able to carry a conversation. let me give you a image of this guy. no shirt, prison tatoos, cutoff jeans and stunk of budweiser with the potential to be a furiuos drunk with no limits.
Soon he left claiming people he was staying with would be getting worried that he was gone for so long. peace mofo.
The three of us hung out in the house waiting for the water to go down. It was like watching water boil. pun intended.
Later that afternoon the drunk guy came back even drunker. This time demanding a hit of my weed and some to take to his firends. all this and the stories of how he and his buddies looted the Rite Aid by my house and stole all of the "good pills".
I gave him a hit and a small bud and told him we were going to sleep. he took off again. peace mofo.
I went to my room and looked out the window, seeing flashlights from behind fences, voices in the distance and trapped pets crying inside houses, mainly dogs. shit was depressing and it was pitch fucking black.
Jojo and I finally fell asleep while his old lady was downstairs listening to the radio and doing whatever, she wasnt tired yet.
we awoke to jojo's old lady screaming at the top of her lungs. the high pitched chick scream that I cant really desribe. we bolted downstairs to see WTF was going on...
SHE WAS SCREAMING THAT SOMEONE CAME IN THE HOUSE! i was like are you sure?? she said she heard the door open. now this was a new construction house and the door wasnt quite level and it scrapped the floor when you opened it. I knew, no i was sure there was no confusing the sound of the door opening and took her word for it.
I grabbed the 9mm baretta we had and cocked it. searched the front room area and didnt see anyone. At this point I wasnt taking any chances. i told them i was getting the fuck. I grabbed my dog and ran out the house expecting to run out into knee deep water.
As i ran into the street i was taken by surprise. The street was DRY. I ran to my house and started my car and drove the fuck to Marksviille.
I'll never ride out a cat 5 again.
NAME: brent
Friday, September 9th, 2005 @ 04:55 am
Feasty, how was your house when you went back?
NAME: brent
Thursday, September 8th, 2005 @ 01:24 pm
Yesterday must have been free gun day, cause I got a free gun.
NAME: scott
Thursday, September 8th, 2005 @ 10:06 am
Today was probably the proudest day of my life. I applied for both food stamps and unemployment. I bet Feasty can't top that shit with his exciting frat house stories.
NAME: Feasty
Wednesday, September 7th, 2005 @ 03:27 pm
Im in BR in this frathouse we rented. Man I got some stories for you all...
NAME: brent
Tuesday, September 6th, 2005 @ 09:49 am
Where you at feastus?
NAME: Feasty
Monday, September 5th, 2005 @ 07:36 pm
NAME: scott
Friday, August 26th, 2005 @ 10:28 am
I think "Guns, Germs, and Steel" would have been much shorter if only he would have come to New Orleans for this conference.