Please don't let the bloat, CD read speed, or horrible default KDE style (last I checked) ruin your opinion of Linux in general.
NAME: scott
Tuesday, May 31st, 2005 @ 08:34 pm
I'm downloading a Knoppix right now.
NAME: brent
Saturday, May 28th, 2005 @ 02:12 pm
So I was all fighting a boss in Boktai 2, and I was all holding my own but not doing very good. The sun was all behind these clouds and I was getting down there in health. Then right before I died, the sun was all "SHINE BRIGHT!" and my solar meter was all in the super high and I totally killed the boss.
It was coolest moment of my life.
NAME: scott
Friday, May 27th, 2005 @ 04:15 pm
lady's got work at noon tomorrow. it's a semi-school night. just figured it might be a funny and probably cheap bit o' fun.
NAME: foo
Friday, May 27th, 2005 @ 03:18 pm
Man, I'm so glad I'm in fucking Mexico the night all my friends are going out for a change.
NAME: brent
Friday, May 27th, 2005 @ 12:56 pm
Isn't tonight a school night for you frumps?
NAME: scott
Thursday, May 26th, 2005 @ 10:46 pm
Yeah, I'm way behind on part 2. But I've come to tell of possible fun on Friday night. My boss's wife's cousin (or is it nephew?) is a handyman. He's probably one of the proudest handymen in town because guess who one of his employees is? James Hall. Anyway, his band is having their CD release party at Lounge Lizards Friday. Are they good? I don't know. But I do know that when his cousin (or is it aunt?) told him that his band was too loud, his response was, "Well it's not fuckin' world music! It's rock 'n' roll!!!" So I'm thinking of checking that shit out. Please join me so we can drink and whine about video games in a crappy bar instead of in someone's kitchen like usual.
NAME: brent
Tuesday, May 24th, 2005 @ 03:58 pm
Do you find yourself pining for the old days of Do you miss unreadable electric green text on a black background? Do you wonder what ever happed to the little skull icon? Do you long for the good times when there was a webcam pic that never updated? Well the wait is over!
so when is the revolution coming out, in 2006?
(13:35:14) im@work: that's great... they had a single generation of games on the gamecube and already it's almost outdated
(13:35:35) im@work: one zelda game per console kids... that's all you get
(13:35:51) im@work: then bend over for some more ass punching when we release another console
(13:35:57) BRENT@work: no, the new zelda is for the gc
(13:36:09) im@work: we'll see
(13:36:18) BRENT@work: and it's had windwaker and four swords
(13:36:22) BRENT@work: hater
(13:36:36) BRENT@work: look at it, it's so sweet
(13:36:40) im@work: release the new zelda for the gc, then release the revolution with no new zelda... that makes a lot of sense
(13:36:56) im@work: four swords is a remake of a 2d tile game
(13:37:05) im@work: i think it's cool and fun
(13:37:08) im@work: but come on
(13:37:15) BRENT@work: look, you're a hater, I can't help you
(13:37:19) im@work: this is the year 2005!
(13:37:30) BRENT@work: go buy a x-fucks
(13:37:38) im@work: no, it's not that I'm a hater... it's just that I want more
(13:37:56) im@work: I think nintendo has the most potential out of all the console companies
(13:38:06) im@work: and they just keep fucking the consumer
(13:38:25) im@work: they restrict their system in every possible way
(13:38:46) im@work: then try to increase sales by offering "different colors" of their consoles?!?!?!
(13:38:51) im@work: that's not innovation
(13:39:03) im@work: that's fucking stupid marketing bullshit
(13:39:57) im@work: hey guys, I know, fuck making a new cool game like zelda... lets make a different colored shell for our console and sell that.
(13:40:05) im@work: sorry
(13:40:16) im@work: that shit has driven me away
(13:40:28) im@work: I would love to play a new mario/zelda/metroid
(13:40:35) im@work: but Im tired of their assfuckery
(13:40:43) im@work: psp, here I come
(13:40:58) im@work: ps3, I await your domination
(13:41:24) BRENT@work: have fun with 400 ea sports games and final fantasy
(13:41:29) BRENT@work: that's all sony's got
(13:41:30) im@work: oh, i will
(13:42:32) im@work: I'll have lot's of fun while you guys wait 2 years for another zelda game and have to stomache the 18 different colors the ds comes in, and whatever other addons they can swindle people into buying to play their games
(13:42:45) im@work: watch
(13:43:30) im@work: the next zelda will REQUIRE that you have a revolution + a ds + a fucking nintendo camera to be able to play it
(13:43:49) im@work: gee, I'm going to spend $700 to play a game... no really
(13:44:03) BRENT@work: keep hating
(13:44:10) im@work: oh, i will
(13:44:17) im@work: i'm going to post about it
(13:44:19) im@work: on your site
(13:44:24) BRENT@work: haha
(13:44:48) BRENT@work: look, i love nintendo, he doens't mean to hit me, he just does it cause he loves me
NAME: shit
Saturday, May 14th, 2005 @ 04:41 pm
mad max and i are comming over. get ready! he keeps a razor in his pocket.