okay, i'd really like to spend this whole block of news update publicly thanking everyone for being so cool and helpful while i've been offline, but i'm afraid that just won't be possible right now.
well, i guess i can do that, but not for too long. there's big news afoot. so thanks (publicly) everyone for being so cool and helpful this past month or so. soon as i get the e-mail situation worked out i'll be e-mailing you all hugemongous wads of smelly green cash. but now there's a crisis that needs to be addressed.
i'm sure you can all readily recognize that as the package design for mountain dew's code red line of drinks. seems normal and harmless enough, right? WRONG!!! just a few short days ago i was in a convenience store and i saw a case of the stuff sitting upside down.
just like that. at first, i thought it interesting that the M and W were still lined up the same way. then i saw it. what normally says "Dew" clearly says "Mao" when inverted. you know, like chairman mao, evil communist dictator of china. and the box was red, like code red. and the code red thing started in china. and wow! it just like all hit me at once. code red mountain dew will make you a communist if you drink it.
so stay away from that stuff, kids. you've been warned.