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Category: Social
Sunday, December 23rd, 2001 @ 05:56 am
Posted By girlygirl
Once again, it's time for the irritable bitch in me to find it's way to the surface of my being. I just don't understand why 2 weeks out of every month are pretty much just miserable for me (and most women, I'm guessing). The week that the "red tide" flows really isn't as bad as the week before. The PreRag week I turn into this monster that even I don't want to be around. I can only imagine the grief that Glitch feels having to deal with my crampy, bloated, bitchy ass.

The only possible up side to PMS is the enlargement of the breasts. Although this isn't much of a plus if your man just wants to play with them. They really do get tender...I mean, they're cool to look at and all; but for some reason my man thinks that this is the best time to squeeze on them. And that just makes me more irritable. Really the irritability just never seems to end.

Now, some women don't seem to have it as bad as others. I guess that it just gets worse with age; until that clock starts running out. And then you just have bigger and better, old people problems to deal with.

I've found that someone out there actually offers (and is profiting on this) a blood test to find out if you have PMS. As if you couldn't tell.


NAME: red bean
Friday, December 28th, 2001 @ 07:50 pm
i just used my coasters
i love my coasters
sometimes i stack them

NAME: suz
Monday, December 24th, 2001 @ 10:07 am
girlygirl, you know you'll be feening for that deep dickin in a week or so. So just deal w/ the bitch that visits us every month(mine is named claudia)and enjoy your x-mas.

NAME: miss a
Sunday, December 23rd, 2001 @ 05:38 pm
there's a name for that syndrome? I thought I was the only one who got cranky..and I also thought it was just because of the three quarts of strawberry jam I shoved up my love-hole once a month.

P.S. we live in missoula now where cable internet is unavailable. and everytime you bring it up to someone, they say "You mean web tv?"

NAME: mr. fix
Sunday, December 23rd, 2001 @ 04:18 pm

NAME: mr. fix
Sunday, December 23rd, 2001 @ 04:17 pm
today is today the first day like today that is today.
i will have acccess to the on-line for about 2 more days so i will post some sort of crap in that time. until then GET OFF MY FUCKIN' BACK ASS HOLE!!!
or some thing...
i'm sorry...
very sorry...
sorry that you all sucks sheep cock!!!

NAME: mr. fix
Sunday, December 23rd, 2001 @ 04:15 pm
today is today the first day like today that is today.
i will have acccess to the on-line for about 2 more days so i will post some sort of crap in that time. until then GET OFF MY FUCKIN' BACK ASS HOLE!!!
or some thing...
i'm sorry...
very sorry...
sorry that you all sucks sheep cock!!!
