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Category: Rant
Sunday, December 23rd, 2001 @ 04:40 pm
Posted By mr.fix
o.k. you buncha' chucklie chucks time to pay the mother f'n piper. not really, i just wanted to start out sounding tuff 'cuz i found this drink that i thought ian might just have to have('cuz he likes girls stuff...and by stuff i don't mean their candy hearts and hot wet 'giners!) it's a juice drink with kind of a seaman soaked name. BELLYWASHERS! what's wierd about these flavorfull mouthfulls of piss and berries is that they taste like piss and berries. which if you ask me is umm...wierd. i think that that is about all i have to say about the fruity juice...so go to the web site and play some fuckin'games, research your urge to get sexy in a salty ski mask and spandex sort of way and maybe just maybe all of the garbled letters and numbers i just posted will make your day.
in the same only different news i'm sorry about the lack of any thing insightfull in this post but the plea for new writers fired me into a posting frenzy!! the thing that pissed me off was that i didn't even recieve an email from 6litch asking if i was all right. i mean the monkey lover sent me emails asking if i was all right after i posted, but never when i hadn't posted. for all he knew i could have been dead and he would have replaced me with some suck jaws talkin' about his fuggin' barbie doll collection. which is kind of a good idea...if you ask me.
WELL I'M FINE...thank you for asking.


NAME: mr.fix
Tuesday, December 25th, 2001 @ 03:18 pm
once again slighted by the almighty media.
i hope you all wake up with wicked hang overs and puke yellow bitter tasting liquid.
and that you are happy.

NAME: glitch13
Monday, December 24th, 2001 @ 10:41 pm
Fuck Santa bot. Gimme Kwanza bot.

NAME: ian
Monday, December 24th, 2001 @ 07:24 pm
here's to y'all having merry a merry x-mas
i pray that your bottles won't be empty and the strippers in your beds aren't ugly and fat
and that santa bot doesn't get any of you tonight
your jingles jangling, i leave up to you

NAME: ian
Monday, December 24th, 2001 @ 07:20 pm
the bottle is empty
the sleigh has a flat
the stripper in my bed is
ugly and fat
her tassles are tangled
and what's worse- my jingle won't jangle
- tom waits "christmas sucks"
