RANDOM QUOTE | It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man.
-Jack Handey | |
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MEGAN HAMILTON, 4004 14TH AVE. S. WISHES YOU A MERRY X-MAS!! |  | Category: Social Tuesday, December 25th, 2001 @ 04:12 pm
I woke today, drank coffee and started reading the news paper. It was nice. then horror, shock and suprise. Megan Hamilton has been running a candy cock whore house in great falls, mt and not one person told me!!! I'm sure that our boy Ian knew about it since he was in the military and all, but dang!! As you all can see in the add pictured above the house is appropriately named "chocolate licorice gate". Which may be the reason I was never let in on the secret, I am neither chocolate nor am I fond of the "licorice". aparantly by the looks of the mighty towers at the "chocolate licorice gate" you only need to put the condom on the tip of the wang. Which is a plus if you want to pretend that your dick is robbing a bank when you are doing the dirty. I could say more now but I'll wait until i get back and tell you what I found. I will tell you right now that if i get to 4004 14th ave. s. and no one is getting their got damn rocks off i'm gonna write the better buisness burough a letter telling them of the false advertising going on!!
I may even write a letter to the editor of the Great Falls tribune and Megan's parents. If any of you would like to write Megan a letter the zip code is 59405. Please remember to address it to Megan's parents because I think that Megan is in elementry school.
I would like also to extend a special Christmas message to all of my friends here at the all mighty and thought provoking GLITCH13...be safe, be happy and SUCKA' MY DICK!!!
In the imortal words of mr.fix "that is all"
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