RANDOM QUOTE | Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.
-Matt Groening, Love is Hell | |
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PLASTIC, A LIBERAL CRAPFEST |  | Category: Politics Monday, December 31st, 2001 @ 01:59 am
Plastic dot com. One of my 'guilty pleasures'. If you've never been, its a sort of communal website in the slashdot tradition, but instead of being patronized exclusively by geeks, its visitors are all bleeding heart, pseudo-intellectual, lame ass liberals that all have the same exact fucking thing to say in response to any post. Posts which bounce from "This TV Show Sucks" to "Look How Another Fat, Rich Republican Is Oppressing Pillow Biters." It all stinks like shit.
Now, when I said it was a guilty pleasure, it wasn't because I actually enjoy reading anything there, seeming as it and its patrons are the bane of my very existence. I go there to increase my blood pressure, because I can be on 4 hits of the most potent ecstasy in the world, but within two seconds of hitting their main page sweat is pouring from my forehead, I'm white-knuckling my mouse, and doing the most exaggerated impression of Angry John having an argument with his girlfriend.
The thing I most despise is the people that post on it. I'll quote my friend Dave in saying "Its like watching a group of people sit around and contemplate their navel." This is how it goes down: a wimped out, fag assed liberal posts a news story on some white conservative tragedy, then you get 18 pages of equally wimped out, fag assed liberals posting responses that range from "Your right, but listen to me spout on about it while using the most deep analogies that 4 years of a liberal arts education could have taught me", to "Please read my laboriously contrived witticism about this that is one sentence long, but you can tell it took me 20 minutes to come up with."
I am just now realizing that I could have gone on with this for 10 pages, but I'm going to cut off the piss and vinegar faucet while I'm not pounding my desk and clenching my teeth in a fit of rage.
Oh yeah, here are some bums:
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