RANDOM QUOTE | The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
-H.L. Mencken | |
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MASTERS OF THE OBVIOUS |  | Category: Rant Tuesday, January 29th, 2002 @ 07:30 pm
The Can Opener
50 years in the making
I was watching the history of the New York Stock Exchange a couple days ago, being the History Channel junkie I am, and they dropped a bit o' trivia on me that nearly blew my fucking mind. It was about portfolio diversification. Now I'm not a economics guru by any stretch of the imagination, but I believe I have a firm grasp of the meaning of the term: you buy stock in a lot of companies, that way if one or two of them take a dive the diversification of stocks will take the brunt of it, and it will average out so you won't be taking a big loss. This is protection against the 'all your eggs in one basket' type of investing that causes people to lose all their money if the one type stock they own goes tits up. Seems kinda obvious, eh?
Au, contraire mon frair. The New York Stock Exchange opened its doors in 1792, with smaller, local stock exchanges predating that by decades; all this with the idea of diversification not existing until 1952. The guy that came up with it won a motherfucking Nobel Prize in Economics in -- get this -- 1990. What in the hell?!
This of course isn't saying that nobody ever thought of it, but Jesus, since the very beginning there have been investment firms in operation, consultants, and any number of people who's job it was to help people invest wisely; yet this idea was not published for over a hundred and fifty years?
It kind of reminds me of another piece of What The Fuck trivia that comes to mind every now and then dealing with the can opener. This little jewel of modern convenience wasn't invented for fifty years after the introduction of the tin can. How can you go about life for 50 years, bashing cans against pointy rocks, before it dawns on you that there has to be a better way?
And of course, as if it couldn't get any sillier, the better way turns out to be a big honking crowbar type thing that requires you to get your cans opened at the local grocery (probably due to the fact that any layperson would lose a few digits in the process of opening their non-perishables). It wasn't for another ten years that someone finally came out with modern can opener, who's derivatives we see and use today.
Sometimes I can't tell which astounds me more: humanity's amazing brilliance, or its complete inability to grasp the horribly obvious.
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