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Category: Tech
Friday, March 15th, 2002 @ 03:06 am
Posted By Brent
Let me brief the uninitiated before I step into the shitstorm: The game company Blizzard, makers of such fine games as Diablo(I & II), Warcraft(I & II), and StarCraft, provide a service on the internet called "Battlenet" which provides owners of said games to congregate online play each other. Battlenet also provides "authentication checks" to make sure you're not trying to play a pirated (read: stolen) version of their game.

After a while a open source project begins, under the name Bnetd (pronounced "bee net dee" I believe), which emulates the "Battlenet" service so that people can play these games with each other without the need to go to Blizzard's horribly crappy service. The inevitable happens and Blizzard slaps a cease and desist letter at the Bnetd team saying they have cracked their "proprietary" copyrighted service and are allowing people to play their games while circumnavigating the copy protection scheme (the authenticity check).

This is a completely shit-brained attempt by Blizzard to cover their own hubris. Allow me to explain:

The popular game QuakeIII has piracy authentication when playing online (much the same as Blizzard's games do), BUT, it is completely independent in regards to the server you are connecting that coordinates the multiplayer game at hand. Why didn't Blizzard do this? Good question. To inadvertently destroy fair use of their software. Fair use is (in laymen's terms) basically defined as the ability to do whatever the fuck you want with something you bought. Period. Blizzard would rather control how, when, and on what terms you can and will use YOUR property. Not their intellectual property, but the software you bought. This is quite akin to the debate over whether or not region encoding of DVDs is legal(i.e. the inability to play an American DVD in Japan). Both retarded situations are quite akin to McDonalds saying you can only eat the cheeseburger you bought while in a row boat, wearing a tutu, and singing "God Save The Queen".

Enter Penny Arcade. Now from where I sit, it seems to me that they guys at penny arcade seem to be taking no stance on the issue, yet are posting the insane ramblings of one of their readers that happens to claim he's a lawyer. His entire spiel is that the Bnetd team "stole" Blizzards "proprietary code" and "eviscerated" their copy protection scheme. Fuck that. Allow me to indulge in what I refer to as "butt raping this ass clown's argument":

Bnetd ... want[s] to steal Blizzard's property and get away with it.

Utter horseshit. There was no "stealing". It is completely legal under fair use to reverse engineer a product you own. And seeming as the communications between the games and Battlenet aren't even encrypted, you can't even attack it with that shaky "breaking proprietary encryption" shit in the DMCA. They started this program from scratch by examining the packets transferred between the software and battlenet. THERE WAS NO STEALING. Perhaps listening to someone talking to me is illegal too under this logic?

[Battlenet] is a completely proprietary application for use with a completely private and proprietary piece of software by licensees of those completely private and proprietary products.

Yeah, Battlenet is a completely proprietary application. So? They never stole, altered, or in anyway even touched Blizzards Battlenet application. Oh the games are proprietary. Why yes they are, yet I don't recall the Bnetd team running it through a disassmbler and trying to steal the code. They were playing it, just like fair use allows. They saw what it was trying to connect to and plugged what they wanted there. Didn't take a dime out of Blizzard's pocket in the process either. You sure you're a lawyer?

To continue, its seems the farther he gets into it, the more he beleives there was "theft" involved:

You're just the goddamn thieves that stole their code, but you're completely ignorant of any foul play.

Ok, this is the last time I'm letting the "stealing" shit by. Let me explain to you what "theft" is (never thought I'd have to do this with a lawyer). What does Webster have to say about it: 1 a : to take or appropriate without right or leave and with intent to keep or make use of wrongfully b : to take away by force or unjust means. Seeming as all of these have to do with taking something, it doesn't apply here. And don't give me that copyright infringement is stealing shit. A) they never had the (copyrighted) Battlenet application, and B) As a lawyer you should now that time and time again, in court, that copyright infringement in no way equates theft anyway. So stick a sock in that stealing shit, please.

To round off how I feel about it all, I'll say this: A) I believe you should be able to play a game you bought legally, under any circumstances you choose. B) I believe Blizzard should not loose any money to piracy. C) Blizzard choose the most retard, greedy assed copy protect/multiplayer scheme know to man and now are using their power to keep people from what amounts to thinking bad thoughts.


NAME: miss a
Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 @ 07:09 pm
fucked the stripes on tour

NAME: ian
Tuesday, March 19th, 2002 @ 12:05 am
taped the stripes on letterman.

NAME: redbe an
Sunday, March 17th, 2002 @ 04:12 pm
i love you

NAME: mr.fix
Sunday, March 17th, 2002 @ 03:56 pm
on the subject of linking
i am in hot pursuit of being able to link my navel and my balls
this is not a joke i assure you

NAME: GirlyGirl
WEBSITE: http://glitch13.com
Saturday, March 16th, 2002 @ 05:05 pm

NAME: Miss A
Saturday, March 16th, 2002 @ 02:09 pm
oh my god aol sucks.

NAME: foo
Saturday, March 16th, 2002 @ 09:16 am
On the linking subject...

In principle I'm totally on your side. Legally speaking, that is. I don't expect someone to take down a link because of the threat of legal action. BUT...glitch13 and hardgeus.com run on one iMac with 64 megs of ram. Besides that, they're both dynamic sites whose entire contents are pulled from a database *running on the same machine*. In other words, if we got 30,000 hits the server would fall to its knees and barf. Both glitch and I would be forced to do a total rewrite of our sites to handle the load. Therefore, as a courtesy, I would *ask* the EFF (or whoever) not to link to our sites.

NAME: ian
Friday, March 15th, 2002 @ 07:59 pm
yeah, i saw that.
and really, yay for them. i can't stand people pulling that "don't link to my site" crap. i don't care if your site is nothing but billions of creepy pictures of your stillborn angel and poe links to it. i don't care if your site is some kickass sticker that you put on your computer case and slashdot links to it. i don't care if you're misterpants and godhatesfags links you. "don't link to me" is the equivalent of that fine childhood game called "don't look at me".
sorry. i realize that the arcade gets some love around here and that gabe recently testified about the all-rockingness of the stripes. but so what if the eff linked to them? sissies.

NAME: glitch13
Friday, March 15th, 2002 @ 06:38 pm
You can read about this at the bottom of Friday's PA news post but here's a funny bit of info:

I suppose I'm objective enough to laugh at either side of the argument. Take penny arcade. They supported bnetd in the beginning and made a comic about it. Their views have shifted considerably towards blizzard's end now.

When the EFF got behind Bnetd, they released a press release about it and in the media coverage links section, they linked the PA strip. Well, gabe over there shot an email to the bnet guy about it, and he happily took the link off due to PA's change of heart.

The EFF shot an email back to Gabe saying basically that linking is legal and the link is going back up. Well, they slammed the link back up and to see how PA reacted, well, just go to the press release here and click on the penny arcade link at the bottom.

Lot of text for so little funny, but hey, its my fucking website.

NAME: ian
Friday, March 15th, 2002 @ 06:12 pm
man, those last 10 seconds of fight club were inspiring.

in reference to your post, though...
i'll admit that i'm no regular penny arcade reader. but when i read that stuff today, i figured they were just doing it to be funny. like when you step so far to the other side of the argument you're in, just to laugh about it. that kind of thing. but like i said, i'm no regular reader there. and besides, it just seems like such a wrong-headed view to take that i just couldn't believe the person who wrote it was being serious.

longer fingers. badder words.
at the end of it all, i'm left with that eternal mumble- unah'uh.

NAME: pusher
WEBSITE: http://www.dr01d.com
Friday, March 15th, 2002 @ 02:25 pm
Welcome to a new era. You pay for something, but you dont "own" it. Everything, and I mean everything is going to a subscription based service(cept open source of course). Big corporations are deciding how this game is played, and they're making the rules up as they go along. A fundamental part in founding this country was empowering the people. Say goodbye to that. You have NO power(unless, you're a billionare). Raise your voice and cry foul about a company's policies and expect to get your ass handed to you by a team of lawyers. Rise to action, and expect your ass to be some cellmate's property.

Now more than ever, people have access to information, technology, and choices of how to implement these rights(what I consider them, anyway). That scares the shit out of corporate America, which is doing everything in it's power to say THIS IS MINE! INFRINGE ON ME AND I WILL STOMP YOUR ASS!

Imagine if all this copyright BS was around when Xerox machines were invented. I can see the lawyers saying, "You can't do this, people can copy books, documents, etc. which we have to protect under copyright & intellectual property laws" and Xerox saying, "But, this is going to make life better..."

We live in a world today where companies are patenting diseases, and genes. What the FUCK? Fuck making life better, none of that shit matters unless a company can turn it into $$$. Japan Tobacco(#3 Tobacco company in the world) owns patents to lung cancer. I think that says it all...

Prepare for the New World Order. A dictatorship of corporations and lawyers deciding for the unknowing masses what they can/cannot purchase and what they can/cannot do.


That was a long post.

Sorry bout that, but this shit makes me fucking crazy mad.

NAME: foo
Friday, March 15th, 2002 @ 01:56 pm
The reality is that if the DMCA is upheld, Blizzard will win. So, hopefully, the courts will deem the DMCA unconstitutional.

The messed up thing is that I'm generally against the Judiciary screwing with legislation from the bench, but cases like this show my why it's sometimes necessary. It's checks and balances. Lets hope the courts succeed where our legislature has failed.
