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Category: Tech
Monday, March 20th, 2006 @ 03:31 pm
Posted By Brent

Sorry I've been in contact very little for the past few weeks, I've been having some computer problems.

Brenda wanted a new computer, and the one I was currently on was still really viable for things like playing games and so forth, so she came up with the idea of me getting a new one and just passing mine on down to her. Sounded like a good plan to me.

Initially I ordered a dual core AMD64, and wasn't too impressed. The AMD64s are backwards compatible with 32bit OSes, but if you do install a 32bit OS on it, you're pretty much not getting all your money's worth seeming as you paid for a 64 bit processor but it's only processing 32bit code. My plan was to dual boot Windows XP Professional x64 Edition and Ubuntu64. Both of these gave me more headaches than the speed boost would be worth.

I installed Windows X64 and right away noticed that the generic display driver (ie the one it uses before you install your actual driver) was slow as dog ass (windows were slow to update and left momentary artifacts on the screen when you'd move them), and there were these weird, random areas on the screen where text was blurry. My next step, of course, is to download my video driver to correct this, so I go to install my wifi network card driver and find that it just doesn't work. An hour and countless message boards later I find that Netgear doesn't make, and has no intention of making, a Windows x64 compatible driver for my card. Ok, well, my ethernet port seemed to work so I strung a wire across the house to get my driver. Upon downloading and installing my NVidia driver and rebooting, the update and artifacting issues were solved but the weird blurry spots were still there. I tire of fucking with Windows so I move on to the install of my Linux partition.

Pop in Ubuntu 64, run through the install, and have it up and running in no time. Go the Wiki entry on how to upgrade to the latest Firefox and run into a whole mess of side notes about needing to do all kinds of other hairy bullshit if you're running 64 bit. Most of it about Firefox reporting your OS which causes plugins to tell you they're not available for 64 bit platforms. There was a hacky work-around that got you past it, but the aggravation was already starting to build up. Also, the win32codecs that allow you to play things like WMVs and AVIs just weren't available for 64 bit systems.

At this point I had had enough of it and came to the conclusion that if I was this aggravated in the first 2 hours of having the machine, there was very little hope of me ever being satisfied. I realize I could have just installed 32bit XP and Ubuntu, but like I said earlier, any money I would have spent on the processor being 64bit would be wasted. So I sent the fucker back and ordered a Pentium4.

Upon receiving my P4, I whipped Win2k and Ubuntu on it with no problems what so ever. Until, of course, I had used it for about three hours when I all of a sudden rebooted on me out of no where. Back up, couple more hours later, reboot. To make a long story short, I had gotten a bum motherboard and had to send that back and get it replaced. Now I'm finally up and rocking


NAME: brent
Tuesday, April 11th, 2006 @ 12:18 pm
Well, my power supply burned out. Unfortunately, it was an after market one I got because I wanted to rule out quirky "underpower" issues before I sent the mobo back. Double unfortunately, I spliced a molex connector on it to make it longer because it didn't reach where I needed it to, so returning it is kind of out of the question.

NAME: scott
Tuesday, April 11th, 2006 @ 11:10 am
You should have called the geek squad.

On a completely unrelated note, I was at work the other day and this guy was all excited about this new computer he's getting and wanting to know what this 64-bit processor's gonna let him do. So I tell him that it will let him run Vista when it comes out. And then (in front of my boss) I let him know that in a year if he feels a few hundred dollars just burning a hole in his pocket for no reason whatsoever he can get vista and put it on his computer.
He looked at me puzzled, but with a little bit of excitement left in voice. "What's that going to do for me?"
"It will be shiny. And it'll run Halo 2."
"But I can already play Halo 2. What's this about shininess?"
"The interface is reportedly very shiny. Like glass."
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"That's really about it for now," chimes in my boss.
Just thought it was pretty funny that I was able to trash talk the whole affair like that and not get any shit for it.

NAME: Yaddoshi
WEBSITE: http://yaddoshi.blogspot.com
Monday, April 10th, 2006 @ 10:02 am
About the only reason I can think of to have a 64-bit processor right now is so that when Windows Vista is released, you will be able to install it on your system.

Considering Microsoft's track record with new releases, however, I wouldn't want to install Windows Vista until at least 6 months after the initial release once all the screamingly insane security related bugs have been worked out, and more likely I wouldn't want to purchase it for at least a year after release (although as an avid Ubuntu user myself I don't see that happening).

So effectively I would have to wait through two to four technology advances (because they seem to release new technology quarterly these days) before I installed Vista. Which would make my 64-bit system obsolete. Which would be retarded.

But that's the market model - at least from the technology developers viewpoint. They want you to buy now for later. Look at all the new motherboards with a friggin GIGABIT network adapter for chrissakes. Cable internet doesn't even run at 100 megabit speeds in most cases yet.

Anyway, sounds like you made a good decision to switch to the P4.
