If you haven't been paying attention to the Internets in the media as of late, some vague and autonomous Senate committee, that cares about as much for your rights as I care about pocket lint, failed to squeeze in a net neutrality amendment into a telecommunications bill.
For the uninitiated, Net Neutrality is pretty much a blanket name for the idea that the internet should be a place where people's ability to get to your site, and your ability to get to other sites, shouldn't be hindered by sweetheart deals between ISPs and individual sites. For example, AT&T receives money from yahoo.com, and in return AT&T restricts all Internet traffic going over their lines to allow yahoo.com to be the only search engine people can access (For a better description, the ninja from AskANinja.com does a much better job than I: linky-poo).
Now, I've been on the fence about net neutrality for a while now. Sure, it's government mixing with business, which always causes problems, but such is the case with all utilities (and if you don't agree that the Internet has become a utility then you're not using it right). Will the government fuck things up? Of course, that's what they do best, but it's the lesser of two evils as far as I can tell.
Anyway, this d-bag of a Senator who voted against the amendment went on to explain how the Internet works and why this amendment would be bad:
"I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?
Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially."
Um, yeah. Read the entire brilliant diatribe here.
Anyway, I took one of his more eloquent comparisons and made that image you see up there. Maybe one day it will grace T-Shirts and the like but for now it's just a funny picture on the Internets. You can see a larger version here and the original vector based SVG here.
But you should seriously read his little spiel, it's priceless. You should also seriously watch every episode of Ask A Ninja for I believe it to be the next evolutionary step in funny.