So, incase any of you have been living under a rock recently, World War III is well on its way to starting so I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring and offer up my two cents. And then I'd execute another cliche to round it off at three.
For starters, I've always been quite conflicted with the entire Israel debacle, seeming as I can't say that the Jews actually have any right being there. Sure, it was their land at one point, but hell, America was the Indian's land at some point, but I don't see anyone telling Americans and Canadians to pack it up and get the fuck. You can't just kick people out of their homes because you used to own it. Land belongs to the winners, not to people who really want it bad.
Of course, on the flip side of that coin, the Jews kind of are the winners now, as witnessed by them kicking the mother loving crap out of everyone who "fronted on their shit" during the Six Day War. But then again, they wouldn't have even been in a situation to win anything if it wasn't for the rest of the world helping them recreate their state.
Of course I'm going to come off sounding like an anti-semite to people who are so inclined to toss that accusation around at anyone who criticizes Israel, but hold your horses there, I said I was conflicted, not pro-Palestinian.
The one fact that makes this a cut and dry pro-Israel decision for the majority of the free world is the same reason I'm conflicted: Israel is a democracy and the Palestinian states and militias against it are horrible theocracies run by despots with archaic views of the world. They have no place in the global community and they exist solely to piss in everyone's cheerios. That, and one more thing: I hate Islam. Hate.
I hate Islam like people on the far left hate Christianity. I hate burkas, theocracies, riots over cartoons, the stoning of married women who were raped, suicide bombings at shopping malls, fatwas, etc, etc. I hate them all. Israel on the other hand, seems to have a pretty good handle on their religion. I don't even associate Israel with Judaism, I associate Israel with a kick ass military that doesn't take guff from anyone. What else can you expect from the people that made the freaking Uzi.
As far as Hezbollah is concerned, that's where I see World War III coming into play. Israel is having an open conflict with a militia that is openly backed by Iran who has also openly stated that it would like to see the destruction of Israel. Iran, who has ties to Venezuela and North Korea. North Korea who has ties to China. Israel on the other hand has ties to pretty much every industrialized nation on the planet. Starting to sound familiar? All this thing needs is the spark of having an actual country outside of Israel getting involved and from there it's downhill.
I've actually been made to realize recently that the possibly of China getting involved in any global conflict is a lot smaller that I had imagined, but that's beyond the scope of this little brain dump.