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Category: Misc
Friday, January 19th, 2001 @ 04:13 pm
Posted By Brent
      Sorry the site was down, forgot to pay my cable bill and they cut me off. To make matters worse, now that I have it back up, they've changed my IP so my domain name is no longer pointing to the correct IP.

      When setting up my domain, I had a choice between 'Stealth Redirecting' which means the IP the domain is pointing to would stay static, and I could, unbenownst to the common user, redirect the site to my ip, or the other choice, I could do what is normal and set the DNS to just point the domain directly at my IP. I took the later because it seemed more 'pure'. Well, if I had choosen the former, I could have just updated the redirect address and the whole shebang would have been back online in a matter of hours, but because the DNS servers need to be updated now, it'll probably take about 2 days or more. Oh well, if your reading this from www.glitch13.com then its been updated and the delay is over, if you're reading it from my ip address (which would be the only way at the time of this writing) then I'm wondering how you got it seeming as I was just assigned it about 2 hours ago.


NAME: data
Sunday, November 18th, 2001 @ 11:59 pm
"speed up DNS propagation."

This was a hit on a google search. I did the same thing as you.
My work's new website was supposed to be up by this monday

I forgot to change the nameserver on our new domain till early
Sunday morning. I'm so screwed.

NAME: glitch13
Saturday, January 20th, 2001 @ 04:53 pm
Ya I do, however I don't have enough control over time and space to speed up DNS propagation.

NAME: matt
Saturday, January 20th, 2001 @ 12:52 am
and you call yourself a programmer, that's wrong!
