RANDOM QUOTE | This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.
Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise
their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to
dismember it or overthrow it.
-Abraham Lincoln | |
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FISH IN A TREE! | | Category: Misc Thursday, January 11th, 2001 @ 04:24 am
And why did I make this masterpiece? I haven't a clue. If you do, please leave a comment and inform me.
I did learn one thing though, if you mispell Google in your address bar, and accidentally type www.Gogole.com, you end up in a very strange place. Kinda reminds me of looking through a friend's bookshelf, pulling out a book, a fake wall slides aside, revealing a secret Romero Love-Lair. Then again, maybe not.
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