The gentlemen to your left there, McGurk, has graciously offered his html training services to me. If you look at the comments for my update on the 30th, you'll see him spouting his wisdom. I'm not even sure what an 'interdependant menuing system' is, but I'm sure once he's done with me I will be the bestest at the htmls as ever anyone ever was. And he sure is a looker too!
Well, I tried to fix the poll system so people couldn't revote 800,000 times, but I'm not too happy with how it works now, so I'll be changing it once again.
Well, nothing much is happening in the life of me, I went over to my parent's house last night for some dinner and ended up getting drunk and everyone made fun of me for being a booze hound. *SIGH*, unconditional love.
Well, that's about it for today, have fun homos.