I have been jetisoned out of the dark ages this christmas by receiving not only a CD burner (many thanks to the parental units), and a 17" monitor (thanks Matt's grandma for getting him a new setup, allowing him to dump this in my lap!). Hooray for me!
So, it was a good time all around, with out factoring in the monkey grinder with cymbals exception. Anywho, lemme get on track. I have the links page kinda updated, I'll be working on making it look more appealing and more full, and ian is trying to pop out a little link button for the site, so people can use that to link to me (if you see fit to do so that is).
So, how was the family christmas you ask? Well, I guess I must tell you, it was the same ole' hoopla and fanfare, the same ole' people who see each other once a year pretending like old friends, the same ole' discussing inane shit with relatives in hopes of seeming 'sociable'. I for one can't stand it, but they all seem to stomach me much better since I cut my hair.
To digress, I've been noticing something going on with the site. I offer up discussional fodder and black hearted rants and yet no one comments about my shiznit. Another unnamed accomplice just farts out what ever happens to be on his mind in the past five minutes and gets a multitude (comparably) of comments and discussion. So with that said, I've come to a conclusion: I hate you all. Yup, that's right, you are all the horrible bastard children of syphillis infected goats. I hope you all die.
On a lighter note, I've been noticing that I'm getting more and more hits from that catagory of 'not anyone I know', yet you fuckers refuse to even tell me I suck. I need feedback people if I'm to suck with any sort of skill, so fill up thos comments!
I guess that's enough for now, have fun ladies.