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Category: Misc
Thursday, December 28th, 2000 @ 03:13 pm
Posted By Brent
I found a link on Stile's to a site called My Miserable Life, and I was reading it for probably about 30 minutes and now I want to vomit. For the uninitiated or the people not interested in clicking, its basically a forum for people who's dad raped them and gave them herpes, got disfigured and lost all their friends or just have had a life I would have given up on 10 years ago. They submit rants and shit about how horrible it is that they got raped and knocked up by a retarded guy in a hospital and no ones believes them, and other such nightmarish muck.

On the lighter side, I've come to a conclusion that could possibly help these people: if your not going to kill yourself, go and kill someone else! Think about it, you'll be taking out aggression, and in the process hook your homeless, molested ass up with a place to sleep, a roof over your head and 3 meals a day. To avoid being raped, you will embark on a vigorous bodybuilding plan and get in shape. With our lax laws these days, you may be out in around 10 years (less if you can prove temorary insanity), with a lean, well muscled body, and due to 8 years of liberal leadership, you will probably get hooked up with some bleeding heart 'give jobs to the criminally insane' kinda government program that will provide you will a home and a good job. Damn, I'm kinda temping myself here!

Speaking of liberal governments, I saw some blurb on Roggan.net about Finlands traffic ticketing process, so I did a little research and found that it is infact completely fucking insane. Here's a little article about what I'm talking about. Basically, you get pulled over and get cited for breaking whatever law (speeding, reckless driving, etc.), then your name gets run and your income is checked and then through some Orwellian mathmatical formula your fine is somehow worked out of how much you make. What this all boils down to is you get 'more punished' for being 'more financially viable'. Great practice guys! Its always a good idea to punish in a more strict manner the individuals who are making a greater contribution to your economy! No wonder your fucking government is going bankrupt you morons. I'll try to keep that in mind next time I pay for a doctor visit (gasp!).

Thats about it for now, I ran across something about naturally glowing christmas trees, and I'm hoping someone makes house plants outta this crap, that way I can ditch my electricity bill (damn, I forgot I live in New Orleans, need A/C year round here ya know).

Oh yea, I worked line break parsing into the commenting code so you no longer have to do html paragraph breaks to break a line, just hit enter. (For the writer's info: I don't think I'm going to add this to the normal news updates, basically because it uses a couple of rather large variables that would be used for every visiable update, everytime someone viewed it, so it could bog down the system.)


NAME: Smokinjoe14
Friday, December 29th, 2000 @ 01:54 am
You two are freaks talking back and forth on a damn website, when you're both in the same damn town. LOSERS!



NAME: glitch13
Thursday, December 28th, 2000 @ 03:38 pm
I noticed your real slick 'hehehe' a line down as a sort of test. I bet if it didn't work that post would have been quickly followed by a long berating rant about how much I suck, eh?

NAME: foo
Thursday, December 28th, 2000 @ 03:26 pm
That page break stuff is really easy in PHP...
