Ya, I know she's a skank, but it was the only semi good picture that involved a sufficient looking ass and a christmas theme.
Well, aren't we all having a very merry christmas so far? I know I am, I got one of those little pocket digital cameras that take like 15 pictures at resolution crappy X fuzzy, but hey it works so I'm not complaining. Now I have something to take with me to record those moments of my life I want to share with you all via this webpage. I can't actually show you anything yet due to the fact that I can't get my computer to see the damned thing and windows lets you do oh so much in the way of troubleshooting twain devices.
Anywho, I did get this little piece of hell from Peter, but it still doesn't fill the void in my heart for a spider monkey. Oh well, I guess there's always next year.
I want to thank xerxes for the little history lesson about the word 'latin' pertaining to spanish speaking people (you'll find it in the comments of the previous post), although it still doesn't clear up why they feel that they have a common 'people'.
I thought by just posting my resume, people would line up to hire me, but alas, my m4d 5k1llz have gone unnoticed (translated to moron, that means I still need a job fucko's).
Also, you may have noticed my vain attempt to get more hits by adding myself to a topsites voting list (its the link right below the news title graphic at the top of the this page). Please don't be mad at me, I know its quite moronic, but hey, I never claimed on having any scrupples, so go screw yourself.
And that about wraps it up for this edition. I have an idea for a new site (one that will actually have subject matter and not the inane ramblings of 2 alchoholics), so I may or may not let you bastards in on that idea a little later.