So, while parusing around on DotCult, I saw a little blurb about a Japanese movie called Battle Royale about some high school delinquents who get shipped to some island to fight it out with guns and stuff. It's the kinda movie people would protest in America, so it must be cool. You can check out the trailer on the site or just view it here.
Well, Christmas is almost upon us, so I have a nutty idea, why don't you jack asses buy me something. Not that I expect anyone to, or for that matter buy me a DVD when I dont have a DVD player. They don't have spider monkeys at Amazon, so you'll just have to special order that from somewhere else.
A couple months ago, Jason bought a Jesus night-light, and while he was showing it to everybody, I commented on how it looked like a Jesus dildo (due to its highly phallic shape). Well, lo and behold, I ran across a site that actually sells such blashphemy, and to top it all off, in the 'about us' section, its says this guy got the idea while looking at a jesus night-light! WTF?!? I think my house is bugged cause everyones getting all my cool ideas.
Oh ya, don't sue me, that pic came from