Well, through a complicated technical process pictured at the left there, I was able to fool a celebrity into thinking I was a reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine, and got him to agree to do an interview with me. So here we go folks, Indistinguishable Filth's first Celebrity Interview with Micheal Stipe of R.E.M.!
I.F.: So, why do you always look like you have AIDS?
Micheal Stipe: *CLICK*. If you'd like to make a call, please try again, or hang up and dial your operator...
Well, he was quite guarded during this interview, and I really didn't understand that last part about the operator, but I guess geniuses aren't always easy to understand.
Anywho, to continue with the post and keep you bastards up to par with all the shiznit that I find cool, I will digress.
I found Lobo flash cartoons on Warner Brother's site (I had no idea that such a wholesome company would have much to do with this). You can check that out here. Now, I've read quite a bit of Lobo as a kid, but I still have no idea why he can get his ass blown off in every issue and not die. Was this ever addressed or is it just through the magic of the illustrated world that the writers can have this kind of fun, so they go ahead and indulge it? Leave a comment if you know the answer to that one.
As for sites I spend more time than I should on (i.e. wasting assloads of my time), I hang out at NewGrounds quite a bit, and I spend way to much time vegging out at Useless Knowledge.
And if you'd like to know where I don't spend my time, check out EvilLand. Go to it and you'll know what it's like have an icepick driven into your temple while a homeless man pees on you. Well, that's it for this update, and John, you'll never get r3w7 0n my b0x0rz! so quit trying.
Quick Update: if anyone knows a way to normalize your mp3 playlist (i.e. a Winamp plug-in or something) so I don't have to constantly be fiddling with my volume, drop a comment below.