ummm i can't sleep because i drank lots of coffee before i went to bed because it tasted good with my cigarettes that i was smoking when mister fix was playing his game on the playstation (the grey one not the new black kind). and this isn't good at all at all because i have to get up at four o'clock in the morning.
i am going to be soooooooooo tired they might even ask if i am tired when i go to work. but that is all. this is not like when christmas comes and you stay up all night so you can catch santa and take all his toys away. because that would be fun and you can get excited about that. no this is suck all around because of some reasons.
1. i do not want to wake up early tomorrow.
2. i do not want to work tomorrow.
3. santa claus isn't real anyway, stupid fucktard.
oh and i thought i would put a picture here because it is a good picture of the old man who lives across the street. he holds the sign to tell people that jesus forgives farting and that's good. because i had a burrito for supper tonight and you know what that means.