From Webster's:
(Not the little black kid, the dictionary)
Main Entry: in·dis·tin·guish·able
Function: adjective
a : indeterminate in shape or structure
b : not clearly recognizable or understandable
Main Entry: filth
Function: noun
a : moral corruption or defilement
b : something that tends to corrupt or defile
I got my resume online now (not that you bastards care). I also added a news search down at the bottom of the page. For the time being, if you enter more that one word into the search field, it assumes you are looking that phrase, I'll work on doing multiple keyword searches in a bit. I've also started coding a commenting system for each news update. As a side-note, I moved over to a new version of the database driver, so if you see any anomonalies, drop me a line. (Update: the commenting system should be working so feel free to add comments, just click the 'Comments...' link at the bottom of each article.)
Well, since posting that stuff about Mark Ryden's stuff in the last update, I've been browsing around looking at traditional artist's sites. I've found quite a few things I wouldn't mind hanging above my fireplace (that is if I had a fireplace). There's something about the one with the table full of villans on this gallery's site that appeals to an aesthetic part of me. Now, I'm not trying to act all artsy-fartsy, but its just good shit.
I'm still hurting for work, so if any of you fags know of any good jobs then throw me a bone.
Well, only 17 days till X-Mas!