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Category: Misc
Tuesday, November 28th, 2000 @ 10:02 pm
Posted By Brent
      I got to wondering today while I was wallowing in beer and nicotine, what the fuck did I do before I had an eight hour-a-day computer addiction? I say 'computer addiction' instead of 'internet addiction' because this has been with me way before the internet came into its heyday.

      I must have taken a break at some point because I recall (or don't recall, however you want to see it) spending my 18-21 year-old years in an drug and alcohol induced haze but obviously not enough to have forgotten what I had learned prior to those tender years.

      I entered the whole computer scene around my fifteen to sixteenth year of existance when printshop and GWBasic were king. I wasn't your token geek, but then again, I was no Eminem at age fifteen. I was just a small person with an asperation to be more than just another spoke in the wheel. It all began when my friend Steve introduced me to his brand spanking new Tandy 1000. The world was never the same for me. After that fateful day, all of my time was spent trying to figure out how these people made these amazing in-depth games on a machine that I could only program to make random circles of random sizes appear on. Then I discovered the wonderful world of BBS's.

      To go off on a tanget, I'd have to say one bad thing about the internet: it killed the BBS scene. The people I met and the games I played in those days have yet to be eclipsed by any experience I've had on the internet since. Finding a person that had an underground bbs with warez and porn on it is an unparalleled feeling in today's internet age where anyone can get a page on Geocities, another loser with another site.

      But I digress, I remember trying to figure out how in the hell people made such stimulating porn with ASCII(keep in mind, these were the days before actually having images transmitted over a modem was an efficient way of displaying graphics). But of course, soon after finding the beauty of the BBS, and exploring its file sections, I ran into my all time nemisis: The PC Video Game. This horroble leech has taken more time away from me than sex, drugs, and rock and roll combined. First It was Crystal Caverns, then Commander Keen, then I hit the mother load baby..... Wolfenstein. Jesus, if you wern't there when it hit the scene, you can't possibly understand it. After MONTHS of playing this game, I got an issue of what I recall as being Computer Shopper, but I can't really remember, which had in it a very vague ad for a game by the same company, ID, called DooM. These days are some of the only days I remember from the haze I mentioned before. Nothing seems to compare to dropping acid and playing this game for hours. It is a moment in my life that will never be duplicated.

      But I am getting away from the point. I remember smoking cigarettes behind my friend's garage. I remember sneaking out and getting drunk at the tender age of 13. But not much else. I wonder if life is any better now. I mean, I now know what a cervix looks like, isn't that enough?


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