Stole that pic from seanbaby, but it was to damn funny looking to pass up on posting. Like the title says, I have the photos section up so go check it out! If you've ever wondered what it is about germans that make them so different from us, then just click here.
Damn, that makes me wanna blow my load.
Anywho, I got a web cam up, Actually, I have sort of a problem: I have one program that works wonderfully, but i have to manually take the picture (Its made for taking a pic then uploading it to a webserver,but i just want to store it locally.When you dont upload it raises and error and doesnt refresh the pic) and right now im using iSpy (which works great, but as you can tell, it puts a little unregistered thing overlay on the pic).
So, if you can point me to a registered version of iSpy or a different program that just snaps a pic and puts it in a specified dir (without an overlay) drop me a line. Talk to you homos later.
P.S. I am in need of more REALLY GOOD ass shots (like the ones in the previous few posts). Be a good sumaritan and give.