RANDOM QUOTE | This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.
Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise
their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to
dismember it or overthrow it.
-Abraham Lincoln | |
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I HAVE HEARD THE VOICE OF GOD | So, I'm just sitting around, ya know, just rockin' and a' rollin' on the ole' computer (as pictured to the left there) when all of a sudden I'm beseiged by a blinding white light coming from my monitor. Then the walls start shaking, The earth was quaking, My mind was achin', and you... oh wait. Thats wrong. So anywho, that's when I heard it, the Voice of God. I think it may have been coming outta my computer speakers, but I have no way to verify, I'm only glad I had quick enough reflexes to record the stuff. I think it may have something to do with a link Fix put in his last post, but the fact remains it has supernatural origins:
Chemestry -=-
Alcohol -=-
Postage -=-
Public Service Annoucement
Once it was all over, everthing went back to normal. I'm not quite sure what the meaning of all of it was, probably some shit about me being a "Choosen One" or "Born for Greatness". I get that kinda shit all the time.
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