It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights—the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery—hay and a barn for human cattle.

-Alexis de Tocqueville
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Category: Misc
Thursday, January 10th, 2002 @ 08:54 pm
Posted By Brent
What the fuck do you want from me?
Well, it looks like its time to clear out the ole writer accounts. Mr.Fix: MIA. Ian: Hasn't posted in two(2) months. Miss.A: Has never posted. Girlygirl: Posted about three(3) times, and in this last one my update to it was bulkier than her post. Hardgeus Said he was going to post, but never did. Of course he has his own website and stuff, but I was thinking that he would have something to contribute that doesn't belong on his site.

You may be saying, "Gee, what are your plans then?" Well, I don't know. If this post doesn't even get a "shame blurb" out of any of these people then I truly have no friends. To tell the truth, this struggle is beginning to tire me. I never pictured this site as being a nucleus of pop culture wonderment, or even being popular in the least, but its fallen quite short of anything I've ever hoped for. On top of that I'm paying for it. In real money.

When I added the commenting system I figured it would add a sort of communal feeling to the site and maybe attract more people than my Real Life(tm) friends. Instead it just brought them out en masse to post comments, not on the pertaining update, but to pontificate about the latest retardation in our small universe -- or throw up a link to the latest Budwieser "What's Up?" parody.

Well, I don't know what else to say but: Do Something. Writers, POST. Visitors COMMENT. Remember there's a search over there to the left in which you can search the past wackyness that has been posted on the site (including pr0n). I also added a email updating system to which you can subscribe to there on the left.

Ok, here's some butts:


NAME: ian
Saturday, January 12th, 2002 @ 11:17 pm
fuck that post tonight shit.

i haven't had mental constipation like that in forever. it's big. it's bloated. it smells. it ain't getting smaller. it ain't getting prettier. i'll try tomorrow.

NAME: ian
Saturday, January 12th, 2002 @ 09:38 pm
first: w00t to girly number four.
second: i've got my reasons for not posting lately.
third: i'm putting a post up tonight.

NAME: GirlyGirl
WEBSITE: http://www.glitch13.com
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 07:23 pm
I'll just plead the 5th.

No Comment.

NAME: glitch13
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 07:22 pm
yeah, what imaclone said .he's all that and a bag of computer chips

I think statements like that are the kind of thing he was bitching about.

Fix, et al: I'm not actually kicking any writers off, that was just sarcasm. I just wanted to vent my spleen about a few things that are bothering me about the site. I'm having some Ideas that I think will get a little more content and funny flowing through the site; I'll probably make an update about them soon. As far as you posting an update: hells yes, post away.

NAME: red bean
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 05:35 pm
yeah, what imaclone said .he's all that and a bag of computer chips

NAME: mr.fix
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 04:58 pm
moved to another montana and hae no access at this time.
wish i did because i have alot of meaningfull things to say.
for one sylvain sylvain is going to be playing here etc. etc.
so if you leae me on the first thing i'll do is post when i hae half a chance.
but if you don't then that as you know is your decision.
so email me as i have a chance to check that more than anything else.

NAME: imaclone
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 10:34 am
I like your website. I visit it often. I never comment, and here's why: your website isn't about anything. It's entertaining, but it's completely random. A brainfart. A collage of insane rantings. That's probably why you get random comments and random posts from your friends(that and the drugs). I think(just my opinion) that if you want more meaningful input/responses you will have to organize it a bit so that people can be warned at a glance between what is a serious post, and what is a drunken LSD induced shitburger(usually it's pretty obvious, pictures of meat products,condoms,etc.)

Just my opinion, but it's hard to have a meaningful comment after glancing at a rant on plastic, followed by butts(which are nice), followed by a post that opens up with a drawing by a retarded kid and then spews so much bullshit it gives me a headache.

NAME: glitch13
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 07:53 am
Its not that I base the success of it off the content of people's contributions, but more on their willingness to contribute.

Unfortunately, that is inexorably tied to the content that people vomit up here. Any inkling that someone who just breezed in and had something say about any given update would be dashed the moment they clicked on the 'Comments...' link and saw 4 posts in a row about 'dog dick casarole' and people needling me about shit that has nothing to do with the update itself -- or better yet, something that has nothing to do with the website at all.

I'm not hoping for this site to "be anything", but I also don't want it to be my personal tramping grounds. I guess I was wanting a source of entertainment that I, as well as others, contribute to; something that I could hit every now and again and see something funny that I didn't put here. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen but once in a blue moon, so the whole thing ends up being me trying to keep the site updated just to keep it interesting, and that's getting old.

I realize now that all of this should have been in the post.

NAME: foo
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 07:24 am
You can't base the success of your site on what other people contribute. At slashdot I very very very rarely read the comments. I could give a shite what these people think. Yet I visit the site every day.

I look at my site as a sort of online journal. If absolutely no one looked at it but me I'd still do it.

NAME: matt
Friday, January 11th, 2002 @ 03:07 am
ok, i'm truly sorry for the lack of posting you've had from your other "Real Life(tm) friends" but, you must realize that others have made offers to post.
red bean and myself have a true respect for www.glitch13.com and don't know shit but i'm sure both of us would love the option to post.
you know that red bean always has something interesting to say he just needs the know how. why don't you ask us punk!
