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Category: Personal
Friday, January 24th, 2003 @ 01:30 pm
Posted By Brent
Peter had already left for the sunny vaction spot in Eastern Europe, but I had to stay back and finish working on my motorcycle. Talking to Christine on the phone, I realized that we were actually going there to visit Kim and Ray, but she couldn't go. I suddenly remembered why:

-- The hellicopter accident. why we were all foolish enough to try to land the helicopter behind a grocery store at night, I'll never know, but Christine sure had a hard time getting the thing to take off afterwards, what with its propeller blades pinned between the ground and the helicopter itself. --

Well, the bike was finished and I had a lot of time to make up, so I hit out onto the traffic cluttered highway. After a while I finally reached what was causing all this traffic begin with. It was a large cement truck filling large potholes with concrete. The closer I looked the more it became apperant the it was actually paving a huge section of missing high-rise interstate. There were wooden planks stretched out accrose the chasm that cars were crossing on, a plank under each pair of wheels. The police office kindly informed me that as a motorcyclist, I could simply ride up on the side barrier of the interstate that still connected the two sides. I'd only be horizontal for a few seconds, but I should be ok.

I couldn't stop, this was too much fun, launching off the sides of bridges, landing on interstate onramps only to launch of the sides of those once I built enough speed back up. Why haven't I ever done this before? The cop certainly seemed to think it was ok.

Finally, on my plane to sunny Eastern Europe, too bad I'll have to stop off in London to jump onto a connecting flight first.


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