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Category: Personal
Monday, June 7th, 2004 @ 05:00 pm
Posted By Brent
Well, it's been about two weeks now since I restarted my program of "less eating like a fucking pig" and "less drinking like a fucking fish" and more "doing stuff." I haven't really seen a change in my weight mainly because I haven't weighed myself in a good eight months or so. Last I saw, I was somewhere between 200 and 210 (that's pounds for you limey bastards across the pond).

I do believe I've seen a little thinning of the waist line, but there's a good chance that it's purely psychological. I certainly feel a lot better, especially during the day at work (no more dying for a nap around 1pm), but I'm sure that's from cutting all the drinking out during the week.

Of course, keep in mind I didn't start this off as some huge fucking sack of man meat; while overweight, I'm not obese, which Webster defines as "excessively fat," so I'm sure no one will be seeing major changes in my appearance. Then again, in that definition it's hard to tell where the definition "fat" ends and "excessive" begins. Guess I'll leave it up to the philosophers.


NAME: matt
WEBSITE: http://www.pooralicemusic.com
Sunday, June 20th, 2004 @ 02:34 pm

NAME: pizza party dude
Saturday, June 19th, 2004 @ 08:52 pm
i'm going to that show. it better rock or i'll beat you down!

NAME: foo
Saturday, June 19th, 2004 @ 01:26 pm
Adam and I are playing a set of RocknRoll before the Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight. 11:00 PM at Mama Rosa's. Be there or be a f@gz0r.

NAME: fix
Wednesday, June 16th, 2004 @ 07:29 pm
anytime is a good time my brother! what about you? i've been staying away from the d-dial lately...

NAME: matt
WEBSITE: http://www.pooralicmusic.com
Monday, June 14th, 2004 @ 09:59 pm
EX-VOTO playing @ hardrock cafe new orleans Friday June 18,2004 9pm

NAME: ian
Monday, June 14th, 2004 @ 10:39 am
buying a house? pah! i'll be... um... renting a different house.

that's bad ass.
hey, when is a good time to call there?

NAME: girlygirl
Sunday, June 13th, 2004 @ 06:20 pm
Painting my rented house this summer...
Finished the office...blue suede shoes.
You'll just have to come over to see it.

NAME: fix
Sunday, June 13th, 2004 @ 06:03 pm
buying a house this summer...

NAME: Feasty
WEBSITE: http://members.cox.net/feasty2/
Saturday, June 12th, 2004 @ 10:48 pm
Pic's of the blue suede room plz.

NAME: ian
Thursday, June 10th, 2004 @ 05:48 pm
dots saturday, definitely.
puppy in a couple weeks probably.
shit, maybe they could agree to do a teargarden thing next weekend.
oh, and my lady wants to drink margaritas tonight.

NAME: foo
Thursday, June 10th, 2004 @ 12:32 pm
Dear Shit,

The Unicorns are playing at One Eyed Jack's Friday night. That's where the cool kids will be.

NAME: Xenu Sux
Thursday, June 10th, 2004 @ 09:09 am
"I'm not obese, which Webster defines as "excessively fat""
So...what you're trying to say is that you're not fat enough yet that other people will be unable to take your words seriously right?

NAME: Xenu Sux
Thursday, June 10th, 2004 @ 09:03 am
Let's just say, I ain't a cheap date...uh...liquor wise.

NAME: zit
Thursday, June 10th, 2004 @ 01:38 am
ok, the skateshop has a new employee. i get to party on weekends now. today is wed. so let's go peanut gallery, let us get some weekend ideas flowing. pink dots, skinny puppy, getting blasted in lakeview parish, it's all coming up. shit, lets eat sunflower seeds until our ass explodes. i don't give a shit. i've ben waiting for this for a year.
oh yeah, if you have an idea for a new darkslide shirt, post it . i'll give you credit.

NAME: foo
Wednesday, June 9th, 2004 @ 08:10 am
Psst - Girlygirl caught a virus from Glitch's staff. Pass it on.

NAME: girlygirl
Tuesday, June 8th, 2004 @ 09:58 pm
It appears that the "staff" at Glitch13 have tried to send me a virus.
That's funny, I thought I was part of the staff. Is there something I should know about?
Has G13 really become that big that he hired a "staff", without my knowledge?
-now they're trying to get rid of me...
