in celebration of what seems to be what i can only term my own personal black history month, i'm going to make everyone smile and be happy and let y'all know about yet another comic you can see on the internet. (hell, maybe the t-p has it in print. probably more of a target market for it there than here in great falls.) anyway, the art's damned cool. the writing is good. and the jokes are actually funny. so everyone needs to go check out the boondocks
and then come back here and break my balls about my dirty hippie ways.
also, i've got to apologize for knocking that golden fish head yet another notch down. check the forum index
and you'll see what i mean.
one more thing and i think i'll be through with y'all's attention spans for the time being- big props to girlygirl for sitting in front of the webcam in what appears to be the same pose for more than 24 hours. she's like some sort of zen master or something i guess. unless the cam's just not updating.