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Category: pr0n
Wednesday, December 1st, 2004 @ 02:35 pm
Posted By Brent
For those of you old timers that have been coming to this site for a while, you may remember I used to post pornography from time to time. I don't really know why I did, and I can't really say why I stopped. Those motivations have been lost to the annals of time.

The reason I bring this up at all is because I was thinking about my taste in nekkid photography lately, and I've noticed a few measurable changes. The most obvious of these changes has been "quality over quantity". I no longer try to get whole sets of images (or "series" as they're called in pervert circles), but rather look for single instances of spectacular quality. I'd have to deduce this is mainly due to the "numbing" of my pervert senses in the context of static imagery after years of pummeling it with way too much input.

The malaise that's taken root in its place must make me actually see the true artistic beauty inherent in the images instead of just scanning them for boobies and vaginas. Of course, that's not to say I don't still scan it for genitalia then feverishly whip one out, it's just that I do it to more classy stuff these days. Or maybe I'm just trying to explain my porn-burnout in a highbrow manner. Anyway, without further ado, here are the two sexiest pictures I've seen in a while (thumbnails blurred for your protection). You'll probably notice how my tastes have changed, get to clickin':



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