i'm not alone in thinking cake is a sexy VooDoo mind FUK party!
(add some thing in the style of H4X0r fag speak!!! like 1 0wn j00t)
remember those things that you could not get off yer fingers?(...from china)
i did...and then i found this thing...it's used for cake
and sex...
the point is i tried to interview ian the trogydae and it got all fucked up 'cuz he's all retarded and so if you want to be interviewed by me
(chinese kid if you are listening) post in the comments and i will e-mail you via e-mail
and kick yer ass in a verbal bout of kicking yer ass! and then i will post it here for the world to be amazed with!!! ...i just thought of who i may interview...my boss from work...
he will come here tommorow, but then again...that may be some thing for "mein kampf"
this is all and i hate you all...if any of this happens i may not be as fuckin' crazy as i thi...you all think!!!
that is all