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Category: Misc
Tuesday, May 8th, 2001 @ 09:00 am
Posted By Brent
"Nobody would be interested in a piddly ass website that serves little to no practical purpose" I said to myself when I first setup this webserver. "If anyone ever did get in, the thing is so slow they would probably get annoyed and bail after five minutes" I thought when the buffer overflow exploit hit the security websites a little under a week ago. So I never paid much attention to security, and I never patched this week. For Shame.

For those of you who didn't hit my website for most of today, here's the story: I got hacked. Well, more like cracked if you want to be one of those cyber-geek elitists that prey on semantics. For most of today, starting at around 2 o'clock as far as I can see, someone 'rooted' my shit and changed the webpage with their 'social message' about the state of our country. If you missed it, take a gander. Judging from the email address, red font (dead giveaway of a commie pinko bastard), and flagrant abuse of grammar while using insults, I can only guess that this originated from China. It just smacks of a baby killing, citizen oppressing, eternal life ring making Chinese zealot; that or a 15-year-old script kiddie from the above stated country getting his kicks knocking over the weakest webserver this side of the Mason Dixon line (either of which get the shit end of my utmost animosity).

But this is not a time for long faces, nay, it is a time for celebration, a time for awarding a person's hard work and determination. Here I grant you, little impotent man living half-way around the world from me, the highest (and only) of all Chinese honors we give out here at glitch13.com,


May you rot in hell along with all of your fellow evil countrymen. Oh yea, you better hurry up with that ballistics technology before we build the missle shield, we wouldn't want to see your country glowing for the next thousand years, now would we?

With all that being said, who ever it was will probably knock the server over again; I patched and shit, but I'm no networking guru by any stretch of the imagination.



NAME: slant eye
Wednesday, May 9th, 2001 @ 09:04 am
you link no work. hahahaha

NAME: Miss A
Wednesday, May 9th, 2001 @ 02:14 am
"hacktivism" war? jesus christ, get these kids some lincoln logs or something. There are things in the world more important than hacktivism and The Matrix, I'm sure Keanu wouuldn't lose too much faith in you guys if some of you got part times at McDonald's to fill the empty hours.

NAME: glitch13
Tuesday, May 8th, 2001 @ 09:04 am
Sorry bout bumping your stories guys, I kinda wanted this one to spend more that the 3 hours it had on top, in case the bastard comes back.
And poizonb0x is a UK hacker group, I think one that declared 'hacktivism' war against chinese government sites.

NAME: mr.fix
Tuesday, May 8th, 2001 @ 09:01 am
i also wonder if poisonbox is a pussy reference? gay pride for h4x0rz? dang...shit gits all fucked up when you have a touch of compaq in yer pocket...eh boss?

NAME: mr.fix
Tuesday, May 8th, 2001 @ 09:00 am
dude that fish head rules!!!!
