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Category: Games
Saturday, June 11th, 2005 @ 06:28 am
Posted By xerxes7
It's difficult for me to get back to where I was a couple weeks ago when I wrote the first part of this. I was still on the information glut high that is E3 week. I was revved. My thoughts and feelings were frenzied. This is a different thing I'm about to write. Less podium smashing. More reasonable. In the words of Leroy Jenkins, "Let's do this."

Why will the Revolution be televised in my house?

Because I like that show.

Because I believe in what's going into it. And what will be done with it.

The argument can be made that I'm asking for more abuse. But my main complaints with the current system are being addressed. Or at least it has been said they are. Last time I gushed about what I loved. This time I want to be more rational. Let's start with what I hate.

I understand the importance of having all players in the same room. The shit-talking is better. The peripheral communication is better. Bathroom breaks, beerings, general chit-chat all happen a little more easily when all involved parties are present. However...

Split-screen kills it for me. And it might be nice to just have a quick pick-up game without all the riding elsewhere to do it. I've got Metroid Prime 2. I've tried getting the girl to play, but Metroid's got some weird controls until you learn them. She's got little interest in learning them. The only person I know that might want to play doesn't live under my roof. And the process of packing it up and riding over for maybe a half-hour or so of quick "Yeah, let's play... That was fun, now it's time for dinner" just kind of leaves something to be desired. I'd love to just make a call and arrange for a quick match.

Next time, we get internet play. Sure, it'll be a game-by-game decision. But so far the gist seems to be that Nintendo acknowledges that they didn't do anything about it for the Gamecube and aim to fix it on the Revolution. They're pretty much good for their word. At least better than Sony. We'll see.

My other big complaint is kind of one for my own sake. But kind of one for the company's as well. Walk into any game store and look at shelf space. This mile of wall space by the door belongs to Sony. Walk on in until your legs are tired. Now you're in the X-Box section. That haze on the horizon is the back wall. Take my word for it, from here to there is all X-Box. Now, turn and look at the other side of the store. See those couple of shelves between the used PC games and the counter? That's the Gamecube section. It's already small. Pull everything off those shelves which is also available for the other two and it's miniscule. Granted, it's probably of reasonable quality, but there's just not much there. This is Nintendo's decision. I respect it. I don't like it, but I respect it.

Now for a moment I'd like you to direct your gaze toward the heavens. Up there by the ceiling there's a sign of things to come. In the next two weeks there are approximately forty games coming out for both the Playstation 2 and the X-Box. In the next month or so there are maybe three games coming out for the Gamecube. It kind of sucks.

It sucks for anyone who only has a Gamecube. But there's a side affect as well. Say a kid comes into the store with whichever parent they've been graced with for the weekend. Kid's gotta have a game. Kid's gotta have the Sony or the Microsoft. But Mom or Dad isn't sure. Lots of those games look like they've got that dreaded M rating. But there are lots of them. Lots of games to keep the kid happy. Mom or Dad remembers growing up with Nintendo, says maybe we should see what they've got. Well, they've got a handful of games. And it looks like maybe half of them were titles we already passed on the other side of the store. Screw it. Kid's hissing about the GAYcube anyway. X-Box it is.

Quality over quantity. I know. But there's something to be said for a robust library. And it's there. It's just that you passed it up in the used section. The used gameboy section, to be exact. Granted, I'm not of a mindset that I need to buy every game as soon as it comes out. But if I were, I'd be ass out with Nintendo. Fortunately, I can't walk into a game store without checking out the used section. If no more games were produced for a year (or more to the point, if I didn't buy any) I'd probably still be set. I've got a few old Gameboy carts and not a few Gamecube discs that I've picked up for next to nothing with the very expectation that there isn't always something new to play. But it kind of bugs me buying used. I like voting with dollars, and when you buy used you're out of that equation.

In steps the much whispered about download service. Even when there is nothing on the new games horizon for the Revolution, there will be the downloadable games. From NES to N64. (I say if they're smart they'll offer pre-GBA roms as well, but that starts edging into currently supported software and therefore some vague form of cannibalism, I'm sure.) As long as they don't go for over ten bucks, they should be set. No worries tracking down an old console and then being at the mercy of what the local shop has in stock- it's all there. And tell that to Mom or Dad and suddenly the library doesn't look so paltry. Hell, they'll remember some of the games and will probably want to play them themselves. The hell with Playstation. We're talking ultimate backwards compatibility. For an evolution analogy, we're talking about being able to have sex with fish. And I know you all like the idea of that.

Plus, shit. It'll have that add-on that lets it play DVDs. And it's so friggin' small. I mean, I've got textbooks bigger than that thing. And they're nowhere near as compelling.

Oh, and it will be available in black.


NAME: Brent
Saturday, June 11th, 2005 @ 01:07 pm
But it kind of bugs me buying used. I like voting with dollars, and when you buy used you're out of that equation.

This has been the bane of my game purchases. A lot of what I purchase is at least half-way hinged on what I want to say with my purchase. I'm going to buy the Firefly DVD set new because I want FOX to see money being generated by it. I bought UT2004 used because while I purchased it due to it's availability in Linux, it all came on the same CD. If there was an actual Linux box, I would have been sure to send money through the appropriate channels.

That being said, the internets were to the Gamecube what optical media was to the N64, the big wave that Nintendo missed.
