hmmm... seems productivity is the order of the day around here. in keeping with my new mantra of "glitch13 doesn't have to be the only one posting around here" and also in tribute to the new installment of WTFIT?, i've decided to analyze a picture i found courtesy of the good folks at brunching shuttlecocks.
simply to confirm suspicions, that is the viking lady known as bjork. loved by some, hated by some others (most especially the dangerous duo we know and love as mister fix and miss a). i, for one, love miss bjork. i think she's nice to look at and i dig her music and think she's an all-around interesting little chica. however, my appreciation of her is not so blind as to prevent me from wondering what the fuck is going on in this picture???
okay, it looks like this could be a little nod to that pic of marilyn monroe standing over that grate. except that instead of a normal dress, bjork has opted to wear what appears to be a swan. i can only guess that swans have some sort of grand insulation qualities that we residents of earth haven't learned about yet, seeing as how i don't think anyone else has ever decided to wear one before.
now that that part of this nonsense is kind of made sense of, we get something even less comprehensible. to *ahem* coin a phrase- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? is it a rugby ball? is it an egg? where the hell did it come from? did the swan dress make it? did bjork make it? why does nobody else seem the least bit phased by these goings on? i mean, hell. she's the one that (i can only assume) is somehow responsible for it being there, and the look on her face barely seems to register a "whoops". jesus. sometimes i wish i could just go back to those simpler days of childhood, when anything that i didn't see made right in front of me just came from somewhere else and was made by some other people, cause this kind of knowledge about celebrities is just a little bit too much.
oh, in other news, i nabbed the video for "rock me amadeus" off of some newsgroup the other day and only now got around to watching it. i'm not going to push the limits of glitch13's generosity and store it on his server, but if anyone wants to see it, grab me on icq (#20462095) and i'll send it over. if there was ever a set for a video shoot that must have been a pure fun couple of days to be on, this has to be it. i'd throw up some framegrabs, but i think i've offended everyone's eyes enough for today.