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Category: Misc
Friday, January 5th, 2001 @ 02:31 pm
Posted By Brent
While looking around for a tutorial on how to parse XML with ASP (so I could do the little curiosity experiment described in the last post), I've found eight million tutorials on how to parse it with Perl of PHP, but every tutorial that deals with ASP and XML shows you how to invoke some fucking homoerotic Microsoft Object that automatically parses XML for use in your projects. I fucking swear, is there ANYONE on this planet that can actually CODE in ASP? Now, I know that ASP is limited in certain respects, such as you can't actually read, write, or delete a file without creating a fruity filesystem object and such, but pulling a fucking text file over the web and parsing out certain key words is, asthetically speaking, something that should be done mannually, not with some fucked up system object that obfuscates the process ten fold.

On a darker note, I started trying to figure out how to do this by hand, and just as I dig in, a whole gaggle of roofers show up at my house and begin pounding the holy-motherfucking-hell outta my roof. I'm trying to look on the lighter side, but the only good thing I can glean outta this is the fact that I've learned that balls of wet toilet paper do not make a good earplugs. I want to kill someone now.


NAME: johandes
Friday, February 18th, 2005 @ 08:46 am
me 2.

NAME: malik
Thursday, February 17th, 2005 @ 06:19 pm
plese send mesome nice pictures

NAME: foo
Friday, January 5th, 2001 @ 02:54 pm
There's a reason all us h@x0rz user PHP ....
Also, you have to understand that the mindset of the average ASP guy is different than yours. They DO NOT want to understand how shit works. THEY DON'T CARE. They WANT a fruity COM object to do the work for them, and this is why there is no fucking documentation for anything "hardcore" in ASP...nobody does anything hardcore in ASP. If you're hardcore you use C++, PHP, Perl or something else.
And even if you wanted to do anything lower level in ASP (parsing, hashing, datastructures etc.) you would QUICKLY find out that VBScript is a horribly constructed shitty broken language. It fights you every step of the way.
In conclusion: either use the fruity COM objects, or use PHP.

NAME: evilpimpstar
Friday, January 5th, 2001 @ 02:48 pm
where's the pron?

NAME: glitch13
Friday, January 5th, 2001 @ 02:35 pm
Oh, did I mention all the roofers are Mexican, and it sounds like I have 100 speedy gonzalezes running around my house screamming "Arriba, Arriba!".
