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Category: Misc
Saturday, March 24th, 2001 @ 08:51 pm
Posted By Brent

Well, guess who's birthday it is today!!! Hooray for Miss A!!! And on that subject, I got this shot to me in ICQ one day, it sounds like either Mr. Fix's or her work (they smoke crack, openly and often):

This shy guy was walking down the street and suddenly his attention was attracted to the lost doll. "Why not take it with me?" the guy thought. "Perhaps I will place the ads in the local newspaper in order to find the master of the doll.
"OOPS !! What on earth is going on? Is it moving or something?!" The doll seems to be alive, turning out to be an excellent dance partner of this happy shy guy! Sometimes strange and funny things do happen with us, don't they?
You 're in the army now! If only Phil Collins could have the idea what the army life may turn out to be according to CL Studio standards.Sometimes it is hard to bear,sometimes it is not,but it is always a great fun to be a soldier like that! Just try to guess: are these professionals or just newcomers?
Do you think they will succeed or fail? Actually you never can tell, sometimes soldiers are strong-willed and sometimes they are just the waste of space.

Well, besides that, a whole week of work is now under my belt and all I have to say is GODDAMN. Because the doof 'training' me is a moron, I will be forced to write all of my applications The Wrong Way(tm), and to top it all of, because they don't understand The Right Way(tm), when they look at my code they think I don't know anything just because they can't glean out of the whole thing that there are ways to program that involve PROGRAMMING, not code wizards or data binding, or any other gay ass M$ shit that you need this much (I hold up my hand and bring my forefinger and thumb close together) experience and/or knowledge to actually fool yourself into thinking you have some sort of skill. Whew, that was a long fucking sentence.

Anyway I was hoping to make this a good post, but I seem to have run out of stuff to say, stuff that doesn't envolve my job that is, cause I know how all of you love hearing about geeking programming stuff. Besides, I just got finished pump knuckling the whisker pig and my hands have that faint 'dick smell' on em, its sorta distracting if you know what I mean. Guess I should just bite the bullet and go jump in the shower[file delete from archive].

I'm sorry if you all think that I've been lying but there really is a new issue of WTFIT? on the way, Its just really hard to try to search for porn with something weird in it these days, goats and house hold objects just seem to be old hat in today's fucked up view on pornagraphy. I'm gonna run, but I suppose I leave you all with another psuedo-set of cool latex porn:



NAME: mr.fix
Sunday, March 25th, 2001 @ 04:28 pm
i also wanted to add that for some reason i am not the only one, of late, that is sounding crazier than a shit house rat. that is all.

NAME: glitch13
Sunday, March 25th, 2001 @ 03:41 am
Oh, and check out the leader of the homo's post, credit has been given where credit is due...

NAME: glitch13
Sunday, March 25th, 2001 @ 03:37 am
I was not taking credit, Ian and I decided that that would be the first thing on the site when I finally got it back up. Wasn't meaning to take credit, if you notice, the majority of all quotes (as in things that did not orginate from me) are in that goldish color, so:

NAME: Miss A
Sunday, March 25th, 2001 @ 03:32 am
Why am I not credited for writing that lovely piece of literary genius concerning the leader of the homosexuals? You cannot possibly take the credit.

NAME: Miss A
Sunday, March 25th, 2001 @ 03:25 am
Wow. I am truly touched my friend. For the rest of my days I will look back on this important passage in my life, the passage from teenhood into the broad horizon of young adulthood, and I will say.."Well bless my nut and shit fire under the gumwood tree, that was the day some stranger made an animated gif of my ass and threw it up on his website." Thank you Brent.. I OWE you.

NAME: glitch13
Sunday, March 25th, 2001 @ 01:23 am
The funny this is, this comment was added about one minute after I called some number scott gave me, in a drunken stupor (of which I am still in) and hung up cause someone other that scott answered. how strange.

NAME: mr.fix
Sunday, March 25th, 2001 @ 01:06 am
now every one knows why we call'er miss a. nice work poppy!
