Sorry bout the pic Jason, its just about the only one I had on my harddrive at the time (well, I have a few more, but they might hurt the goat's feelings if I post them). It could be worse, I mean, I could have posted something like this:
Now what kind of insensitive prick would post a picture like that on your birthday of all days? Oh, wait, I think I just did, oops! Not are you only getting this, but your getting video of Cuong puking on Mardi Gras night!
I would have called you or someshit, but you're always either at work, with Reba, or I wake your Dad and he mumbles something about a leather mask with a zipper mouth and vaseline, so I usually just hang up real quick like.
Well, hope you're having fun, I'm not, I'm fighting with over the web credit card authorization at work, yay, fun fun! And while I'm bitching, how about some of you fucks contribute to my ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US thread in the forum, lazy bitches.
Till next time, this is Cap'n Fucko, over and out.