(the following is to be read in the voice of ann mahoney, for those of you who are familiar with such a noise. if you're not, just watch an interview with pretty much anyone of the acting persuasion and you'll get the gist of the level of self-importance we're laying on here.)
4-ish. hungry. keep smoking and drinking coffee.
4:30-ish. still hungry. note to self: when you remember to do so, change your slashdot preferences back to whatever the hell they were before you found that three screens worth of first posts and their accompanying responses aren't really all that funny. maybe i'll get donuts later.
5-ish. yeah, there will be donuts. but i should maybe see if anything materialized in the fridge that would have my name on it. psh- nothing. anything in the cupboards i haven't gotten to yet? hmmmmmm... well, it's not very breakfasty, but it's here and i want breakfast so we'll see what can be done.
5:0'later. last time i tried this stuff without the meat it said i had to provide it came out crunchy and bitter. maybe i'll add some sugar to it. and since i'm only doing the rice part and not the meat, i'll only microwave it for half as long.
5:30-ish. um. not really bitter. still crunchier than rice is supposed to be. i'll let this sit awhile and see what's up at the kaliber. (tick-tock) what the fuck bowel of hell sound is that coming from my computer? sounds like the fan is boring into my cpu. oh well.
5:45-ish. still crunchy. maybe it needs the rest of the time in the mic after all. these cardigan essays and what-not are humorous in that smug, artsy, i'm-saying-i'm-not-cool-to-show-how-cool-i-am kind of way. still, i'm smiling as i read 'em.
6-ish. success! damn, i haven't posted anything of meaning to the filth in a good long while. no need to change that trend now i guess.
(maybe i'll see about continuing this in the comments...)