I'm sure all five of you are wondering why I haven't updated in a while, so I guess I'll throw up a little something.
This website started out as my first attempt to build a completely dynamic, community driven site outta fun and curiosity. I think I pretty much acheived my goal (although the community is rather small). Its been going good but lately I've been kinda downtrodden due to extenuating circumstances surrounding 3 job possibilities, in which all parties involved have strung me along for near a month now to turn around and drop me back on my ass. In short, I've been fucked. Now, I'm not clinically depressed over it or anything, just really peeved with the whole job hunting thing, and don't understand why people just can't shoot me straight, they have to string me along and feed me all kinds of shit, and multiplying this by three doesn't help my attitude any.
As to how this pertains to the site not being updated, well, the site began as a fun pastime, and now seeming as its all I can do to keep busy, its resembling work more and more each day. As we all know, work is not fun, hence this site is quickly losing its luster.
Now I know I'm not some huge internet portal or anything, but I kinda prided myself on people coming here and getting a chuckler or two out of it all, so don't peg me for having delusions of grandieur, I'm just kinda upset that I can't have fun while contributing to this site.
So, what are you to explect outta this in the day/weeks to come? I'll keep updating, but not at any sort of daily rate I was before, and maybe I'll change the design outta bordem.
Feel free to give a little in the forums, I still check them frequently, even though no one seems to even realize they exist.