RANDOM QUOTE | Forget your stupid theme park! I'm gonna make my own! With hookers! And blackjack! In fact, forget the theme park!
-Bender from Futurama | |
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UPDATES GALORE! OK, WELL ONE UPDATE... | | Category: Misc Thursday, May 6th, 1999 @ 03:47 am
| I got the links section up with a few links to friends and favorites. If you made the cut congrats, if you didn't, then you probably aren't someone i know, or your site isn't my favorite. If you feel as if your site has been left our be sure to zip me an email so me and pusher can laugh at you... alot.
Oh yea, i found out that feasty put a link to me on his page. So if you're hitting me from his site, then you probably remember me running with the X-Crew back in the days of UO, Ahhh, reflection. You'd be amazed at how many hours are actually in one day when you dont play UO. Yeah, sure i feel a tinge of withdrawl every now and again, but i've found other shit to do with my life, shit i used to say "how in the hell do people find the time to do this kind of shit." Well, when you don't spend half of your time waiting for another poor bastard to gank with an EB roll followed by and explotion, you'd be surprised how much time you have left.
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