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INTENDO | | Category: Games Tuesday, December 7th, 2004 @ 10:06 am
| I have joined the devout followers of Nintendo this past weekend with my purchase of a Gameboy Advance SP. I went ahead and snagged Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls. One cartridge with two classics on it, sounds like a winner.
The actual catalyst for getting the Gameboy was Scott's suggestion that Brenda and I both get one each so that he can justify the purchase of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure for the Gamecube. Here's how the action breaks down: it's basically multiplayer, co-op Zelda, in a regular Zelda-ish game with the four of you running around on the screen. Each person plugs their Gameboy into the Gamecube and uses it as a controller. If ever you go somewhere in the game that would be impossible to display due to the fact that it has to also display the location of your companions, such as going into a house or a cave, your display will then switch to your Gameboy's display. Also, when you talk to most people, the conversations you have with them will be displayed on your Gameboy's display as to not distract the other players who don't give a shit what that person is saying (conversations that actually move the plot along are generally shown on the television).
Anyway, we played that bitch for hours and I can't wait for another session of multiplayer Zelda/beer drinkery. Good times indeed.
On a side note, while I was getting the Gameboy, Scott pointed me in the direction of a used copy of XIII (for the PC) on sale at EB Games for a paltry four bucks (*swipe*). I have to say, it's pretty effin' good, with the exception of the "checkpoint" style savegame system. It blows. A lot.
I HAVE DOOM III | | Category: Games Thursday, October 21st, 2004 @ 05:03 pm
| I own Doom III. Actually I've owned Doom III for over a week now. Right about now, in this space, you would probably expect some kind of review. Well it's not going to happen. In its place, I'll be giving you a review on what it's like to own Doom III but not have the money to buy a video card capable of playing it.
So Brenda calls me from BestBuy the other day. She says that she's in the store and has some strange combination of coupons and gift certificates or something that could virtually guaranty me a good deal on a video card. Knowing how confusing the current state of the video card market is, I told her to hold off seeming as I'd have a hard time myself figuring out which one to buy if I were actually holding them in my hands reading the stats of the boxes. Trying this feat over the phone would be an exercise in futility.
But lo, the item that bore the desire for new pixel pushing hardware was there, on sale no less, for a paltry $39.99. Yes, I speak of the fabled Doom III, and after coupons, tax, title and license, it came to a meager $25.
So now we arrive at my present situation: I own Doom III, but have no means of actually playing it. In order to divine the least amount of it true nature, I will need to plunk down around $215+ bucks for a video card. I could spend less than that, but then there'd be a lot of the game's famous atmosphere I'd be missing. Besides, if I got a sub-par card, it's not like it would magically turn into wine and get better with age. Nope, I'd be starting out at shitty and working my way down from there as time went on.
So here we are, I have no new video card, and you all have no kindness in your hearts to buy me one, and Doom III has a nice little spot on my desk where it sits, mocking me.
DOOM III | | Category: Games Wednesday, July 14th, 2004 @ 03:48 pm
| Well, Doom III has just gone gold, which for the lay people around here means that the software itself has been finalized and/or has been sent off to be mass produced on CD's or what have you. I have to say, I'm left sort of nonplussed here.
There's been no demo, much less a "test" release which has traditionally been the norm for id Software's games. There's no mention of platforms, although you can pretty much guarantee its initial release will be for Windows/PC. The only thing I've seen that one could possibly glean hints of Linux and Mac releases was a post I saw by John Carmack saying that the map editor for Doom III would be a windows only release, from which one could construe that he's specifying the map editor because the game itself will be cross platform.
As far as your X-Boxes and PS2's are concerned, I'm sure it'll come out for those if technical and licensing bases can be covered. It's been a given that platforms (at this point) pull in a shitload more sales than PC-only releases. I just don't want to lose the one company that happens to be at the very top of its game, and releases cross platform simultaneously. Of course Epic does that too with the Unreal Tournament series, but one has to pick sides when discussing Epic and id Software.
But I digress, what I'm trying to get at here is there has been an unparrelelled dearth of information about this game throughout its development. I've been seeing pretty much the same screenshots and movie clips from it for the past year and a half. No mention of the usually limited public betas, free single-level demos, platform dependence, or anything. I don't even think I've seen an interview with the guys at id for years.
Oh well, seeming as the book has pretty much been closed at this point, and the gaming is being stamped onto CD's and slapped in boxes, I guess all I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best.
PS: If you're interested, I found a rundown of the Doom III single player experience here.
YOU GOT GAME? | | Category: Games Wednesday, December 31st, 2003 @ 11:03 am
| Well, it's been a while since I last shot you the straight poop through blocky text transmitted over miles of cables known only as the Intarweb. Excuses? Sure, I got 'em, but are they any good? Dubious.
I won't go on a long schpiel about me working too hard to post, because although I am working hard, it should have in no way inhibited my ability to throw a few paragraphs up every now and again. The problem is much more selfish.
Since I got my new computer, I have been playing a metric fuck-load of games. Well, quantity-wise it's not a lot of games, but the few I have are getting their fair share of exercize. It mainly boils down to Counter Strike (which has been, and will always be good), GTA3: Vice City (which is one of the best games I've ever played, even more so than just GTA3), a smidgen of Natural Selection (damn good), and, I'm sure this will scare quite a number of you, Ultima Online.
First, let me explain.
You see, most of you saw the comment Feasty left on the last post about the player run UO server, and it really didn't move me to anything at first. But Friday night after talking to him for a while about our old days in UO, I got a pang of nostalgia, and seeming as I run Linux (for which there is no UO client for) I figured I'd go at because it appealed to three major nerve centers in my brain:
- The challenge of "sticking it to the man" as it were by getting a windows app running on a Linux machine.
- It was a free server.
- The game reminded me of a very interesting a fun part of my life.
Well, all three desires have now been satiated, and I'd have to tell you, that third one hit me like a really powerful hitting machine. It was almost surreal the amount of nostalgia that got dumped on me. I felt weird little emotional sensations that I haven't even thought of, much less felt, in over five years. And not emotions about the game, I mean situations in the game that I unconsciously cross-reference with things that were going on in my life back when I originally started playing it.
I digress, but the scary thing is I can still see the addictive potential in it even though playing is a completely transparent activity now that doesn't hold they same mystery and excitement as it used to. Well, I figure I'll keep it around as a "game" so me and Feasty can pop on every once and a while to go fuck with people, which is pretty much is the reason I keep any other game around.
TRON 2.0 | | Category: Games Friday, July 11th, 2003 @ 02:50 pm
| Welly well. Seeming as the game is close to release, and the demo for said game is out, I'd say its about time to talk about more companies taking twenty-something's fondest memories and bashing them into unrecognizable turdlettes.
There doesn't seem to be all that much in the way of reviews for the demo, I suppose most are going to withhold judgement until the final release of the full game, but that doesn't keep a
vocal few from airing their opinions out in public. If the view spoken of in that link is any indication of the final verdict on the game, it looks like our precious memories will be left where they stand, revered as campy bits of pop culture that when viewed through twenty years of traumatic childhood, adolescent misconduct, teenage rebellion, and the alcoholism of early adulthood, seem like high fucking art.
You may be confused as to why I would say that the gaming sucking ass-nuts would save our beloved Tron. Well, from the buzz on the streets, it seems that they have a script for the Tron 2.0 movie ok'ed, its just waiting for a greenlight from Disney. Disney, on the other hand, seems to be holding out on the greenlight until they see how well the game is received.
If your wondering why I'm saying that by not making the sequel, the original would be spared, go out and rent some sequels to movies that your inner child is emotionally attached to *cough*Phantom Menace*cough*. Or watch a 10-10-220 commercial with Alf in it.
With that being said, if you want to play a real Tron game, do yourself a favor and steer your browser to Armagetron. The screen shot you see up there in this post is from said game, and by golly its a keeper. I've been playing the 0.1.* versions of the game for a couple years now, and I've got quite a warm squishy place in my heart for it. The other day I saw that 0.2.4 was out and swipped it up, post haste. The new and improved version includes such enhancements as "you go a hella lot faster", "the AI is no longer as dumb as a bag of shit without the bag", and "the scrapity-scrape is a lot easier to achieve." For those not "in the know", the "scrapity-scrape" is not a vicious strain of gential herpes, but a move in the game wherein you drive so close to a player created cycle-wall that sparks begin to fly off of the contact point and you start accelerating at an ass-blistering rate.
Its also made for pretty much every operating system under the sun, good show! If you have the means, I highly recommend picking it up.
[ED Note: If you have windows and want to play armagetron like it looks in the above screenshot, and not with the assy default graphics and sounds, download and install the movie packs after you install it.]
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