RANDOM QUOTE | The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
-Albert Einstein | |
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NOTHING MUCH HERE BUT.. |  | Category: Misc Friday, May 7th, 1999 @ 04:33 am
| Well, im thinking about moving the site to somewhere esle on fortuneshitty. Instead of having Grandtheft in the address, there's a dir called Evil, and as you all know, having a little evil in anything is always A Good Thing(TM). I'm debating whether or not doing this because it'll be a hassle and i dont really want to deal with it unless im moving to a actual host. Well, if i end up going ahead with it (grand theft is kinda dorky, and NO i didnt know i could choose a different one when i created this site) I will of course leave a courtesy page here that redirects it to the new one.
UPDATES GALORE! OK, WELL ONE UPDATE... |  | Category: Misc Thursday, May 6th, 1999 @ 03:47 am
| I got the links section up with a few links to friends and favorites. If you made the cut congrats, if you didn't, then you probably aren't someone i know, or your site isn't my favorite. If you feel as if your site has been left our be sure to zip me an email so me and pusher can laugh at you... alot.
Oh yea, i found out that feasty put a link to me on his page. So if you're hitting me from his site, then you probably remember me running with the X-Crew back in the days of UO, Ahhh, reflection. You'd be amazed at how many hours are actually in one day when you dont play UO. Yeah, sure i feel a tinge of withdrawl every now and again, but i've found other shit to do with my life, shit i used to say "how in the hell do people find the time to do this kind of shit." Well, when you don't spend half of your time waiting for another poor bastard to gank with an EB roll followed by and explotion, you'd be surprised how much time you have left.
MY MO-FUCKING MOTABIKE IS LEGIT! |  | Category: Misc Wednesday, May 5th, 1999 @ 04:29 am
| Yup, my shit is legit. I went and did all the down and dirty crap of getting the title changed to be in my name (this may sound like nothing, but if you knew the convoluted bullshit that surrounded this task, your jaw would drop). So now im able to bike it all over town, and until this gets boring, i'll probably be doing it alot.
WEB PAGE UPDATE COMING SOON... |  | Category: Misc Tuesday, May 4th, 1999 @ 12:02 am
| All this shit is about to change... complete overhaul of the page, new graphics and all that snazzy stuff. So, expect this page to look better very soon. There will be some sort of color scheme to say the least.
HTML GALLERY GETS ITS FIRST ENTRY |  | Category: Misc Monday, May 3rd, 1999 @ 02:01 am
| I put a HTML gallery up in the files section. I'm working on making a whole slew of different web page ideas. Be sure and go see the one i have up, although i will be putting buttons for the links in place of the plain text links i have there now. None of the links on it will work, it's just for show and display (and my own personal practice). Be sure and email me and tell me what you think of it.
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